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Applebee's Evaluation

Essay by   •  January 2, 2011  •  1,010 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,294 Views

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Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood

As my girlfriend and I pull into a crowded parking lot during a chilly Friday evening, we struggle to find a spot of our own, but manage to do so as we take the place of another young couple as they pull out to leave. I put the car in park as we both gaze at the numerous parties walking into the restaurant. A bright sign, hung lit overhead, shining the phrase "Applebee's Neighborhood Bar and Grill" atop a red brick building. Awnings were placed above every window, and resting on the ground, between each window, was a wooden park bench surrounded by lush, green foliage on either side. The whole place looked as if it had been pulled straight from a friendly neighborhood in the heart of the big apple. I knew we had made the right dinner decision even before walking in the large, double doors. Applebee's has always been a favorite of mine. There is rarely ever a wait to be seated and thrown into the laid back, neighborhood atmosphere that they aim to provide. Their service is exceptional, with quick and courteous staff members which you encounter as soon as you walk in. And depending on what you order, you can always count on Applebee's to present you with not just a meal, but an experience for both your eyes and your taste buds.

It was around eight o' clock, well past the dinner rush, but I had a feeling the popularity of this restaurant would play against us, and we would be stuck waiting for a long period of time before we were seated. To my surprise, however, upon entering the restaurant there was no long line of people

huddled together, bumping shoulder to shoulder, trying to get their name scribbled onto the waiting list. Instead, my girlfriend and I were welcomed to a comfortable, dimly lit setting, with light, friendly chatter, and a fair amount of laughter coming from the bar area. A young, good looking hostess greeted us with a smiling face and asked the size of our party. We were immediately directed to a clean, open table in the middle of the non-smoking section. With no wait time whatsoever, my stomach didn't even have time to growl before I picked up the menu to scan my meal options. I was already pleased with the experience thus far, but it would only get better upon meeting Sheila.

"Hi guys, welcome to Applebee's, my name's Sheila. I'll be your waitress tonight. Is there anything I can get you guys to drink?" A very clichÐ"©, and well rehearsed line, but it was pleasantly delivered, and I did in fact feel welcome. She was quick to the table, adding to the speed of the service that we were already receiving. I ordered my usual tall glass of water with a single lemon wedge, and my girlfriend asked for a classic lemonade. She promised that they'd be right out, and within minutes, I heard the clinking of ice, as two oversized glasses, dripping with condensation were placed onto our table. Sheila laid down some straws and asked if we were ready to order. I informed her we'd be needing a moment, as there were so many menu items, and my mouth watered for such a variety, I needed more time to choose. She smiled and left us to decide as she politely greeted a new party that was walking through the door. I was highly impressed with the staff here. They added to the warm and inviting ambience commonly experienced at Applebee's restaurants, and I was loving every minute of it.




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