Analysis Of "It's A Wonderful Life"
Essay by 24 • August 31, 2010 • 662 Words (3 Pages) • 2,879 Views
This was an extraordinary movie that showed the homely small-town moral values through glossy studio production. I really enjoyed this movie. It has very quickly become one of my favorite movies of all times. The characters were very good. I thought this movie to be beautifully told and acted, with Reed, Barrymore, and other ensemble members perfectly cast. The actors were very convincing. George Bailey was an ordinary guy. An example of this was went he was at the train station waiting for his brother, Harry. He said, "Do you know what the three most exciting sounds in the world are?Ð'...Hanker chains, plane motors, and train whistles." He appreciated small things like that. I think that Jimmy Stewart played the role of George Bailey extremely well. Throughout the whole movie I continued to be worried about George. I began to feel sorry for him. I thought that Lionel Barrymore played Mr. Potter commendably. He really seemed to fit the part. As the audience, I grew a strong grudge against him, from the beginning.
Clarence, an angel, was sent down to save George from doing evil by committing suicide. The angel saved him in many ways. George didn't commit suicide, because he was too busy saving Clarence. Clarence took him to "Pottersville" and showed him what the world would be like if he was never born. That saved George in a way as well. George learned what he had to be thankful for.
I thought this film to be very intellectual. It told a wonderful story, yet taught valuable lessons. Clarence taught George that there is more to life than money, and to end his life because of money was silly. Clarence gave George his book, and in it was written: "Remember no man is a failure who has friends. That was a lesson that George learned. His friends helped him in a time of need, just like George had done for them their whole lives. George learned that he really did have a wonderful life.
The words "It's a Wonderful Life," tell a wonderful story. That's what the whole movie was about. We as the audience, go to see just how wonderful George Bailey's life really