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Caring For One's Baby

Essay by   •  April 11, 2011  •  1,217 Words (5 Pages)  •  937 Views

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Specific Purpose Statement: At the end of my speech, my audience will have a better understanding of what a woman goes through, and must do to take care of her and her baby during the nine-month period of pregnancy.


I. Every living, breathing person on this planet originated in the womb.

A. The womb is in the mother of that individual.

B. A person is created in the womb after the mother has sexual intercourse, or artificial insemination.

C. A person spends nine months, or three trimesters in the womb.

D. During that time they develop their organs, limbs, and everything they need to function in life.

E. The product that leaves the womb at the end of the nine months is a baby, that is fully functional, and ready to live its fullest in the world.

II. Through out my speech you will learn what a woman experiences, and must do during her pregnancy in the:

A. First trimester.

B. Second trimester.

C. Third trimester.

III. By the end of my speech, you will have a more efficient understanding of the process of one of the greatest miracles, pregnancy.


I. The first trimester in a pregnancy is the first three months.

A. Certain signs will be noticeable to the woman that might indicate a pregnancy. Some of these signs include

1. Missed menstrual periods, but since most women do not have regular menstrual cycles it is important to watch for other signs like

2. An increase in appetite,

3. Nausea, vomiting, and heartburn from metabolic changes, but it can be helped if you eat something light in the morning in small quantities like crackers;

4. Enlargement or soreness of the Breasts which would include darkening around the nipples;

5. Increased urination due to the uterus pressing down on the bladder,

6. Fatigue from the body doing so much work,

7. Aggressive behavior due to an imbalance of hormone levels,

8. Excess saliva, and

9. Two to four pounds of extra body weight, but of this weight only 1.7 oz is the actual baby, and the rest is amniotic fluid and placenta.

B. It is vital to receive tests from a doctor so that treatment for the woman and the baby can be given as soon as possible. The tests given include:

10. A pap smear, which is a test for cancer or disease in the cervix.

11. A test for rubella, or the German measles is performed which could determine if the child will be blind or death.

12. An R-Factor test is performed to see if a mother is Rh+, which could put her possible Rh- baby at risk of losing red blood cells. If found as a threat, it can be treated early on.

13. A Doppler test can be performed to hear the baby's heartbeat by the 12th week.

C. During pregnancy, it is important to avoid certain things that a woman might do when she isn't pregnant.

1. Having heavy amounts of caffeine (300 mg. per day or more) can reduce birth weight

2. Some medicines that would be safe to take without a baby might be harmful during pregnant. It's wise to ask a doctor about which drugs are safe, and which are not.

3. During pregnancy, a woman should be more responsible about dental hygiene. At the dentist, routine dental X-rays, whitening of teeth and bonding, especially during the first trimester of your pregnancy are bad for the baby. If a pregnant woman does need to have dental work, it should be done immediately.

4. A pregnant woman should not consume any alcohol because fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) can form which consists of mental retardation, facial abnormalities and heart defects.

5. Drug use is also bad. Even though Marijuana and LSD have not been as clearly linked with birth defects, they should be avoided.

6. Smoking is very bad during pregnancy. It can result in a miscarriage, placental abruption (separation of the placenta from the uterus), preterm labor and delivery, low birth weight (200grams), SIDS, and respiratory problems for the baby.

II. The second trimester of pregnancy is six months into the pregnancy.

A. The mother will be experiencing new changes physically and emotionally that differ from the first trimester.

1. She will gain approximately twelve more pounds of body weight, and of this, two pounds is the baby.

2. Her outer appearance will look more like she is pregnant with the loss of a waistline.




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