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Erickson'r Theory

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Applying Ericson's Theory of Psychological Development

to the Preschool Education

Eric Erikson's concept, though influenced by Freud, comprises in the fact that culture have great impact on individual's development. He emphasized the role of outer world on the stream of development. Erikson was the first to describe how the social environment influences the psychological identity of each person.

According to Erikson, the live is divided into eight stages. At each stage there is a conflict to resolve and there is a causative-consecutive connection between the way the conflict is resolved and personal development. The two objectives are given: one is positive, the other is reverse (Erikson, 1963, p. 142).

Despite many other developmental theories, concerning only childhood, Ericson's theory embodies the whole life course from the birth to the death.

The two core theses of the theory under analysis are: 1) the world becomes bigger and wider as we grow; 2) failure cumulates. The second point concerns some terrible or challenging circumstances a person may face in the childhood, that negatively influence his/her development on the proceeding stages. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility that something in the person's spirit can help overcoming the problems (Bornstein, 2002, p. 61).

In this paper the stages which are referred to preschool age are going to be discussed.

The first stage of development, according Ericson, is Infantry (birth - 18 Months). At this stage the central ego emphasis is put on such conflict as Trust vs. Mistrust. During this period, the general world percipience is being established. This is the time of sensational privilege i.e. the most important are those things or people that can be seen or touched. That is why mother's love and care expressed through constant physical contact and positive inclination is of primary importance here. A child learns to trust and perceive the world as a right thing at this stage. Accordingly, if something is wrong, a sense of mistrust roots in the person's psycho. The feeling of the world unpredictability and inconsistency is adopted by a child. In future, such penetration can lead to suicide. The most important contact here is the one with the person, who cares about the child.

Upon the whole, Ericson considers this period to be the most important in life (Erikson, 1963, p. 234).

Giving practical advice in matters of education at this stage goes directly to the caretaker (in most cases that is a mother). A child should feel the mother constantly - in the literal sense. The mother should look into the baby's eyes, talk to him/her, touch and carry as much as the baby is eager to handle.

The second stage - Early Childhood, also named Toddler Stage stretches from 18 Months to 3 Years. Ego emphasis here is laid on Autonomy vs. Shame conflict. New skills of self-care are acquired during this period. These skills of walking, talking, feeding oneself, motoric development lead to greater autonomy, thus, the self-esteem is constructing here. The word "No!" expressing will becomes more and more frequent and it is ok (Rathus, 2011, p. 45). Children usually very sensitive of shaming at this stage - when a child is too often ashamed of his/her toilet training failure or any other skill mistakes, low self-esteem and doubt can become the result of such state of things. As a matter of fact, toilet training is put in the central position at this stage as the tool to gain much independence.



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