Impact of Social Networking Sites on Students' Academic Performance
Essay by amdadkhan • December 9, 2015 • Research Paper • 4,358 Words (18 Pages) • 3,709 Views
Essay Preview: Impact of Social Networking Sites on Students' Academic Performance
There is no doubt that social networking sites (SNS) has gained a wider access and usability. It’s the important source of Communication. Student usually communicate through social networking site (SNS) at higher level of education, in social networking site (SNS) Facebook ,Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram are getting more and more familiarity. These site are the main tool of communication with other people socially, but regardless of the benefits of communication it also has influence on student academic performance. In this study the merit and demerit of social networking sites (SNS) on student academic Performance are critically analyze. The finding of the study indicate that students allocating more time to study have a better academic performance compare to students who spent much time on social networking sites which badly effect their academic performance.
The social networking site are become one of the most important sources of communication and information in recent times. However social networking exist so as to provide communication among people regardless of the distance, make it easy to share information, file and picture etc. realm of internet site are face book, Instagram are referred to as social simply because they allow communication with friends. Technology innovation reshapes the people social life and opens the door to the new way of learning skill and directly expertise the skill. Changing technology and media has changing learning process and context to the extent that students are today immersed in world abound with information and a hidden curriculion that they daily experience of leisure time on media use. Internet a very important element of life, which cannot be neglect. its use for academic purpose by a large number but on the other hand a large community of students use internet for only social networking (Boyd 2006) its web base facility which allow individual to build identity and generate a general association and connection among themselves and communicate them at central location. According to Kuppuswamy and Shanker (2010) social network website attract the attention of the students and deflect it toward non-educational activities and inappropriate action. The views that it look like that social networking site may have a negative impact on students’ academic performance. In 2009 in an article (karpinski 2009) suggest that face book might be related to lower academic achievement. Jackson, eye at al 2006) indicated that children who used the Internet more had higher scores on reading test achievement and higher grade point averages.
The introduction of any new form of media technology lead to a debate about it implementation and students are especially in focus. Considering the amount of research, which surrounds the use of media in the education system, it is important to determine whether media have any impact on student academic performance.
Problem statement
This paper will explores the impact of social networking sites on students’ academic performance. The paper will examine students’ academic achievement with respect to their length of time spending on social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.) either social networking has a positive or negative impact on student academic performance.
Research objectives
- To find out the impact of social networking sites on students’ academic performance.
- To find out which factor has a massive effect towards the student’s CGPA by applying multiple regression.
- To find out is there a significance relationship between the dependents and independents variables.
Literature reviews;
- Wang, Chen and Hiang (2011) studied the effect of social networking on college students. The purpose of the paper was to explore the advantages and disadvantages of social networking on students’ academic performance. A group research was performed based on collected data, which was collected through standard survey collection method. Out of total 50 questionnaires, 48 were collected. Forty five percent (45%) of the sample admitted that they spent 6 to 8 hours per day on social networking sites, 23% spent more than 8 hours, 20% spent 2 to 4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours. Sixty four percent (64%) of the respondents respond that they post and share during school hours, 80% respond that they post or respond while doing home assignment. On the basis of above result it is clearly indicate that social networking has affect students grades, because 80% of the sample used during their homework and 64% during school hours
- Camilia, Ibrahim & Dalhatu studied “The effect of social networking sites (SNS) usage on the studies of students of tertiary institution in Mubi educational zone, Amadawa state Nigeria. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of (SNS) on the student’s academic studies. The researchers also evaluated the most used (SNS) and the importance of (SNS) for the student’s academic assignments. Both primary and secondary data were collected primary data were collected through Questionnaire method. A 16 question questionnaire paper were distributed to 600 randomly selected students of higher learning institution situated in Mubi, Adamawa state Nigeria. Out of 600 questionnaires 534 were accumulated for the analysis the remaining were not filled properly. The collected data was assessed with the help of descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages & graphs) the data were tested under the hypothesis “Frequent use of Social networking sites by the students has no effect on their studies’’ the null hypothesis was tested using chi-square. Among the respondent 300 were male and 236 were females. The finding of the result shows that Face book the mostly used site 95% of the contributor use daily, 26% replied that (SNS) have a positive effect on their academics studies, 32% affected negatively and having no impact on the remaining 42% respondents. The hypothesis that frequent use SNS have no effect on their studies the particular hypothesis were accepted and declare correct. The result that (SNS) have no impact on student’s studies but still researcher suggest that its need to maintain a balance between (SNS) and student’s time management. student often seen busy with (SNS) during their class lecture time so it’s necessary for students to learn time management avoid wasting time on (SNS) and allocate time properly to each task. The researchers believe that this will improve students’ academic performance.
- Ahmed and Qazi (2011) conducted a research with the major objective of to explore the impact of social networking sites (SNS) on academic performance of the students. For the analysis, purpose data was collected from both private and government universities of Pakistan using simple random sample technique. Out of total 1000 distributed questionnaire among universities students, the collected questionnaire were 730. The collected data was analyzed through SPSS software. The result of the study shows that while considering the degree level most of them (58.5%) were Master degree level, (38.8%) bachelor level and (3%) were postgraduates, 71.5% respondents used internet 1 to 3 hour per day, 21% use 4 to 5 hour per day. When asked the time they spend on social networking sites, 75.5% respondents devoted 1 to 3 hour per day for social networking, 19.5% devoted 4 to 6 hour for social networking. When respondents were asked the time they spend on their studies, 64.7% spent 1 to 3 hour per day on their studies, 27.3% spent 4 to 6 hour per day, 2.9% spent more than 7 hours daily for their studies. The paper admitted that students did not use social networking sites for academic purpose but still it has no adverse effect on student’s academic performance that students were managing their time efficiently and use of social networking did not harm their academic performance. The positive relationship is also evident by comparing time spent on study compare to social networking.
- Egedegbe (2013) said that performance is the combination of understanding, skills, ideas and knowledge of a student and grades clearly capture all these factors, students’ academic performance keeping in view all factors that can positively or negatively affect their educational performance. The author reviewed student’s academic performance in the context of social networking site (SNS), how social networking and student performance are related? for the purpose a research was conducted using questionnaire which was distributed to 50 students of Girne American university (GAU), 48 were returned and answered, 55% of the respondents were male and 45% female. The finding shows that all students uses more than one social networking sites, 55% students were agreed that they use social networking for academic purpose and uses for submitting online assignment rather than for leisure time, 58% replied that social networking affect their writing skills badly. Keeping in view the above finding author concluded that social networking sites (SNS) have no adverse effect on students’ academic performance students were managing their time they spent on social networking site, and make assured that it does not affect their studies, students uses social networking for upgrading their knowledge and in research of carrier activities.
- Flad (2010) conducted a research on “The influence of social networking participation on student’s academic performance across gender lines” studied the impact of social networking sites across the gender lines and its impact on students’ academic performance and evaluate the amount of time students spend on social networking. The data of the research was primary. The data was collected through survey method. The survey was composed of 14 questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and ‘MCQs’. The criteria for participating in the survey were parent permission, students were randomly selected from the school, 41 students participate (54% females & 46% male).The data was analyzed using correlation between academic performance and social networking. The academic performance was measured by grade point average (GPA), 34% respondents GPA were between 3.0 to 3.5, 29% GPA were between 3.5 to 4.00 and 12% 2.0 to 2.5. With the highest GPA 75% were females and 25% male students. Frequency was measured by ( Likert type scale) 66% female reported that they visited social networking sites more than 5 time per day versus 33% male, 69% females answered spending more time on social network instead of homework versus 33% male. The author concluded that social media have a negative impact on students’ academic performance. It was recommended that more attention is required for the appropriate use of social networking sites, parent and school counselor must aware of sites student’s use and its impact on student’s lives. The schools need to conduct presentations on the benefit and risk associated with social networking sites.
- Khan (2009) conducted a research “impact of social networking sites on students” to analyze why majority of people use social networking and its impact on students. How it relates with the student’s academic performance. Both primary and secondary data were collected for this research. The primary data was collected through questionnaire, which were collected from 168 respondents. Secondary data were collected for the purpose of literature review, which were collected from other researcher, 168 respondents are randomly selected from Peshawar, they were only students to fill the questionnaires, and he used the SPSS to study and determine the factor of social networking that affect students. The result shows that the students whom age range from 15 to 25 use social networking site (SNS) for entertainment, 60% of male students use for knowledge and graduate students mostly use for entertainment. academic performance of students with respect to social networking students have 3 to 3.5 GPA on average and using social networking and the students of GPA from 3.0 to 3.5 are 48.5% of the population and use social networking for entertainment purpose.
- Rithika and Selvaraj (2013) “the impact of social media on student academic performance” studied how social networking sites affect students’ academic performance; the paper also discussed the purpose of social networking sites and its importance for students in their academic learning. The researchers use online questionnaire and data was collected from 100 respondents. They explored the data for the impact of social media on academic performance. Data was accessed thorough SPSS software. Findings indicated that male students mostly use social networking sites 72% of the population and most often used for knowledge, 68% use for the influence of their friends, students who have mark 69% mostly use social networking. The authors concluded that social networking sites have a negative impact on students’ academic performance, it was also concluded that there was no significant impact of students learning from social networking sites (SNS) related to their studies and academic performance. Authors suggested that social networking sites, which have revolutionized our world, bring us closer even before. However, students need to exploit it and use it for a better life and for better tomorrow.
- Rymes presented his paper in a doctorial seminar, Mass media and schooling, in (2011). The goal was to explore the relationship between mass media and schooling by presenting the digital literature and their role in education, the research looks how mass media facilitates traditional system of education. The primary concern was how mass mediated students can usefully put to work in the context of schooling and society, the main concern was not how good or bad media for students were, but how far it is good in the classroom? How gaming can be used as an incentive for reading? How should media influence students think critically? Taton, discussed the Khan Academy an online store of tutorials, that has been wave down as a revolutionary use of technology in the context of education and tools for online learning, he pointed that KA (Khan Academy) establish a global learning community. Gubai paper investigated that its capacity of mass media that brought together a Philadelphia and Marefat high school Kabul (Afghanistan) students through online exchange in one classroom, which encourage students to learn with other community outside of the country. Siegals pointed students involve in reading cultural books and watching movies shift them from schooling and help them toward self-correcting multitude. The author suggests that mass media is not separable from schooling but we should need to adopt mass media as a source of learning not as a wasting time.
- Tamyo and Cruz (2014) viewed the relationship of social media and students’ academic performance in his research work. Among 138 respondents were chosen using stratified random sampling, forty five (45) from first year, (37) from second and third year and 19 from fourth years. Descriptive research was applied to identify the the relationship, among the relation (48.6%) of the respondents reach to satisfactory level to an average of 2.5, 2.25, and 2 respectively. Fifty one percent (51%) lied below the satisfactory level from 2.75 down to 5.00 based on the computed mean 2.72. students’ academic performance and their social media usage were correlated identified by using Pearson (r correlation. The Pearson r-value of +0.958 with 48.06 for x and 2.29 mean for y values. The +0.958 shows a strong relationship between social media and students’ academic performance.
- The social media network is widespread adopted by students, so it is of interest that how social media related to students’ academic performance.
Facebook the most popular social network in both United State and Europe (Ellision, 2007). Jaunco (2014 analyzed student’s class standing, Face book use, and academic performance, his paper emphasized Facebook usage and its impact on multitasking students (doing schoolwork and social networking (SN) at the same time, 1774 students were surveyed using email. The participants were placed in two category “newcomers” and “seniors”. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics to evaluate the sample and to describe face book use. The analyzed study found a negative relation between multitasking while using facebook and grade point average (GPA); however, this relation was only found for newcomers whose study more suffer from multitasking as compared to senior students.