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Let's Make The World A No Clone Zone

Essay by   •  September 27, 2010  •  860 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,386 Views

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Let's Make the World a No-Clone Zone

"Let's Make the World a No-Clone Zone" is a very straightforward and powerful article which lists many reasons why anything and everything about cloning should be illegal. In her article Therese M. Lysaught acknowledges there is plenty of factual information or counter evidence that her opposition might use to fight her argument. Her purpose for writing this article is to get it set in peoples minds that cloning is morally and ethically wrong and should be banned completely.

At the start of the article Therese has a very good thesis; "Banning the use of cloning to create babies doesn't go far enough, Even so-called 'therapeutic' or 'research' cloning involves the destruction of human embryos and therefore is not only problematic, but also immoral" (Lysaught par1). The thesis sets out her argument and lures the reader in with her powerful word choice and her appeal to emotion. Even if the readers already disagreed with the title they would be so intrigued by her well-written thesis they would have no choice but to just keep on reading.

Therese Lysaught is attacking anyone and everyone who feels cloning should be legal. But her main targets are those with the bigger voice, the politicians. She comes across very intimidating in stating her side of the issue, using a lot of easy-to-follow, factual information, which most people are more likely going to be able to understand. For example, according to Lysaught, cloning is a technique used to make an embryo that is an exact copy of another organism, it does this "A sexually," which means without using sperm. There is also another form called "reproductive cloning" which is where the embryo is planted into the woman's womb and grown to test the effects of various toxins, or to mine them for their stem cells(Lysaught par7). Ms. Lysaught does a good job being intimidating while at the same time she works the sympathy side of her issue, using the results of the animal test. A quote from her article states, "In animals, more than 90 percent of cloning attempts fail to achieve live birth and live-born cloned animals suffer high rates of deformity and disability. Until these technical difficulties are worked out, the risk of harm to a cloned human is unacceptably high." (Lysaught par11) both of these approaches work well to push her argument.

She also anticipates questions and arguments from her opposition; for example, "In 'their' so called views, cloning chances to stop human suffering outweighs moral and ethical concerns about embryonic life. Embryos, they argue, are not people yet and some even say that while embryos have value of human life, they still lack rights that would protect them from being seen simply as products or as tools for others' benefit." (Lysaught par13). She then counters by saying, "these articles collapse under closer scrutiny". For example, Therese quoted, "Our obligation to relieve human suffering also entails the obligation not to increase the suffering of the sick and their families by bolstering false hopes



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