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Letter's Sent During The War

Essay by   •  December 5, 2010  •  727 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,194 Views

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This is a paper i wrote when we did the novel No Man's Land in school! The question was to write a letter from the loved ones at home to the loved one in the war or from the leader in the war imforming the loved ones at home that there fmily member had been injured or killed in the war. Here is what i wrote!

July 15th, 1916 Newfoundland

Dear Allan,

I'm happy to hear your not that skroney little lad anymore. What kind of food they serving over there, must get me some of it and make Amy a little bigger.

You still can't grow that thick moustache Allan! I think you should stop trying now and face it, its not going to grow. You father is pleased to know you have used the wax and that you didn't keep all for yaself!

Uncle Harold hasn't changed a bit, yes he's still just as chatty. I think he will enjoy your stories the most he might but in every now and then but he keeps asking about you. Same with your buds. We're all missing you, especially Amy. She told me to tell you she doesn't care about the perfume (even though she would love it) she just wants you to come back home safe and sound. It's different not having you around the house!

Be careful out on the front Allan watch out for everything. We're glad to know you have a responsible and strong bunch of men there with you it's a great benefit. We will be sure to check The Daily News everyday for an update on the war and how it's going.

We all can't wait to hear all of the stories you have to tell about all those new places and people and your experiences. Stay strong boy and keep your spirits up. Like your father always says "Hold your head high and begin each new experience with a positive thought!" You know Allan I don't want you over there and even though your father gave you the support to go he still would much rather you back home.

Good Luck at the front tomorrow and keep us in mind. We want you home unharmed.

Love you lots,

Miss you tons,

Mom, Dad, & Amy




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