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Mkt Plan For Applebee's Ballpark

Essay by   •  December 21, 2010  •  577 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,541 Views

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Increase Community Involvement

In order for the Legends to increase community involvement, we should increase the number and assortment of community giveaways throughout multiple channels. Multiple local businesses should be targeted each week. There needs to be promotional information around areas where raffles for tickets are held, upcoming schedules, and free items that would provide brand awareness (key chains, pencils, pocket schedules, etc.). Another channel the Legends could exploit would be schools throughout Fayette County. Announcements are usually made at the beginning and/or ending of the school day, where discounts, promotions, and/or giveaways could be used to increase attendance. Elementary through high schools should all be targeted because people's individual and family lifestyles affect who else will be brought to the game. For example, high school age kids are more likely to go with their friends than family, whereas elementary children cannot drive and would need/want their parents to come along. Thirdly, athletic events should be targeted as key promotional locations. Baseball locations (UK baseball and softball, high school games, and little league) would be the primary force for this channel, but should not be limited to baseball and softball only. Because the Horsemen are one of our key competitors, it would be a good idea to increase promotion and awareness during Horsemen games. Once all these different channels have been utilized the specific promotions will be determined based on the channel. For example, the promotions done at little leagues would match up well with the current promotion where the little leaguers join the players in walking out of the dugout for the national anthem. By making our promotions target specific, they will most effectively reach the segment that we are trying to increase. The more buzz the Legends can create around the community, the better the chance of increased attendance.

Link Applebee's Restaurant to Applebee's Park

The Lexington Legends have not taken advantage on their biggest advertising asset, their main sponsor, Applebee's Restaurant. If the organization was able to more closely link its club with Applebee's Restaurant,



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