Mutability In Tennyson's Ulysses
Essay by 24 • June 1, 2011 • 1,075 Words (5 Pages) • 1,498 Views
The theme of mutability is revealed in Tennyson's "Ulysses" as Ulysses struggles to rebel against time. Tennyson reveals this theme through the use of tone, similes, metaphors, imagery and setting. He uses a confidant nostalgic tone to help develop this theme as the speaker reminisces on triumphant times past. Comparisons to the stars and to the horizon throughout the poem are effective in emphasizing the mutability of time. Tennyson also uses imagery to demonstrate the effect that time has on everything. He uses the setting of the poem to contrast life with lifelessness, which is an important part of developing the theme of mutability.
In this poem Ulysses has returned from sea after great triumphs in the Trojan War and struggles with the dullness of the day to day rule of Ithaca. He is not happy to stay home and "rust unburnished." The theme of this poem comes from Ulysses' unwillingness to accept the fate of time and his rebellion to fight against it. Ulysses is aware that it is impossible to avoid the ultimate fate of time, but he is going to die trying to prove he is a great hero. Ulysses wants to go "beyond the utmost bound of human thought." He has the desire to battle time until it kills him. This is supported by R. H. Hutton, he says that Ulysses is Tennyson's picture of "insatiable craving for new experience, enterprise, and adventure," driven by "reason and a self controlled will (356)." Ulysses' will, that made him one of the greatest heroes of his time, is what will give him the strength to pursue these cravings.
Tennyson uses a nostalgic tone to show that everything changes with time. The speaker of the poem, Ulysses, recalls past triumphs and contrasts them with the monotony of his day to day rule of Ithaca. Ulysses yearns to relive the glory of these triumphs. He begins the poem by saying, "It little profits that an idle king, / By this still hearth, among these barren crags." This quotation demonstrates that Ulysses is not happy with the lifelessness on Ithaca and, since he cannot relive his past triumphs, he is going to push forward to seek new knowledge. Although Ulysses still has the desire and passion for adventure that made him a hero, he admits that, "We are not now that strength which in old days," but he is going to continue to live his life to the fullest. While time has had its effect on Ulysses, but he is going to use the strength that he had as a hero to battle against time until his last breath. This shows that even the greatest heroes cannot avoid the fate of time. Also, the confidence of Ulysses' tone in the dramatic monologue shows his greatness and how egotistical he is. Ulysses speaks of his fame saying, "I am become a name." This quotation shows the level of Ulysses' fame and of his greatness. It implies that Ulysses is too great of a figure to remain an "idle king" in Ithaca.
Ulysses, the speaker, uses comparisons frequently throughout the text to reveal the theme of mutability as he expresses his wish to, "Sail beyond the sunset." This metaphor compares himself to a ship chasing the unattainable goal of the horizon. The horizon serves as a symbol of the unattainable goal that Ulysses is pursuing. Ulysses knows that he cannot conquer time, but he does not care and is going to fight it for as long as he possibly can. This comparison shows that even the greatest of heroes are not immutable. Ulysses also expresses his desire, "To follow knowledge like a sinking star," this simile compares him to a sinking star as he is getting old and nearing death. He wants to rebel against time for as long as possible and