Our Country's Good - Drama Exploration
Essay by 24 • June 11, 2011 • 5,854 Words (24 Pages) • 1,430 Views
Our Country's Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker
"Our Country's Good," a play by Timberlake Wertenbaker, is about a
group of English convicts bound for Australia by sea in 1788. In the
first scene, Sideways, a convict on board the ship, is being brutally
whipped and we are introduced to the constant, overwhelming fear,
hunger and despair that the convicts are going through.
We are also introduced to all the officials on board. They are
debating the punishment of hanging that three of the convicts have
received for stealing, and we see the different attitudes different
characters have to this. Governor Arthur Phillip supports a humane
approach to dealing with the convicts, but Judge David Collins
believes that the law must be upheld and that a crime, however petty,
is still a crime. Captain Watkin Tench says that the convicts are
beyond redemption anyway, and Midshipman Harry Brewer takes the
opinion that the convicts have become desensitized to hangings and
even consider it "their theatre". In the end Governor Phillip believes
that a play for the convicts to put on, with "fine language [and]
sentiment" is the way to go in order to encourage the convicts to
change their ways in this new environment.
We learn the play chosen play is to be "The Recruiting Officer" (1706)
by Irish actor-turned-playwright George Farquhar (1677-1707). It is
about his experiences working as a recruiting officer for the army for
three years, and one his last works before he died a year after it was
performed. Second Lieutenant Ralph Clark begins holding auditions for
the play. Ralph Clark is interested in timid convict Mary Brenham for
the play, as she knows how to write and therefore can make copies of
the script. Ralph Clark has the role of "Sylvia" in mind for Mary.
Clark gives the boisterous Dabby the role of "Rose", although a little
skeptical because she is unable to read. Rough and tough Liz Morden
then comes in, snatches the play from Ralph Clark and tells him she'll
"let [him] know" about her decision of her character.
The officers are already passionately quarreling about the play that
night, which is induced by their consumption of alcohol. They are
debating as to whether the convicts should be allowed to put on a
play. Some officers are against it, for example Major Robbie Ross, who
is a character constantly at odds with everyone around him. "You want
vice-ridden vermin to enjoy themselves?" he asks. He argues that the
play will teach "disobedience [and] revolution". However, as Phillip
is in charge, the plan goes through in the end, under his word that
the convicts should be educated and reformed. Ralph Clark echoed
Phillip's sentiment, saying that already some convicts have lost "some
of their corruption".
Quiet and unconventional convict Duckling now joins "The Recruiting
Officer" as well, under the firm suggestion of Midshipman Harry
Brewer, who is obsessed with her. Ketch Freeman, the hangman on board,
enters while Dabby, Mary and Liz (as the character "Melinda" in "The
Recruiting Officer") attempt to rehearse. They promptly send him away,
which leads him to talk to Ralph Clark. He opens up, desperately
asking for forgiveness for his actions that his job brings about. He
feels that if he is to redeem himself amongst the convicts, he should
act in the play with them.
The first rehearsal does not run smoothly due to conflicts between the
convicts. Also, some convicts do not turn up. The convicts' attempts
at acting in this scene, although whole-hearted, are amusing however.
But this comedy is soon broken by the antithesis of Captain Jemmy
Campbell and Major Robbie Ross entering in a fury, proclaiming that
the two convicts who did not show up to rehearsal have escaped,
stealing food from the ship's stores along with them. They point to
three convicts, including Liz Morden, as possible accomplices and the
rehearsal is left ruined.
This marks a struggle for "The Recruiting Officer," with Ralph
suggesting to Phillip to stop the play going forward as half the
convicts are in chains and there is strong opposition from officers in
a higher position than he. However, Captain Phillip inspires Clark to
go on. In the second rehearsal Robbie Ross is causing disruption yet
again, however, as the convicts begin to