The Chilean Miner's
Essay by varonika • September 19, 2012 • 891 Words (4 Pages) • 2,322 Views
The Chilean Miners endured a major hardship while they were trapped in the mine for four months. In spite of becoming famous after surviving the mine collapse, life hasn't been easy for the miners. Several are still unemployed. Others are surviving by selling fruits and vegetables on the streets of Copiapo, driving taxis or doing odd jobs. The most successful ones have gotten into public speaking, but money and the opportunities are likely to dwindle as the years go by. (Romo, 2011). "In 2007, an explosion in the San Jose mine is reported the have killed several workers. Pinera has said the mine should not have been reopened without an escape route, according to media reports." (Parry, Rettner 2010) Some considerations to remember given the different roles and people in the audience is how will the families of the victims react to what the media is saying about the collapse. What is the president Sebastain Pinera going to do about the earlier collapse of the same mine that was not fixed before the mine was reopened and how will he help the miners and their families cope with this incident. The potential needs of the families of the miners in receiving a message about this incident is they will need counseling in dealing with whether or not their loved one will be alive when he come out of the mine. How will the families help their loved ones mentally when they come out of the mine? It wasn't long before we read about workers returning to the hospital, unable to cope with their emotional distress; family members hurling rocks at a miner's house; those taken in by promises of $6,000 for an appearance, but paid only $600; men couldn't sleep at night or burst into tears; and marriages compromised. (Volk, 2011). What would be the potential needs of the company's employees when receiving a message about this incident is will they have a job after they get rescued, will the company help pay for any counseling if it is needed. The actions that must be taken before and after the message is delivered to ensure that it was received as intended is following up with the families on whether they have questions like relating to how will this affect their family; what will the company do to help ensure their family is compensated for this incident. After their ordeal the miners spent time touring the country, they prayed with president Obama, ran marathons, Graceland, Disney land. (Volk, 2011). Was the wellbeing of the miners being considered of how all the media attention would affect the miners since they were not use to this much attention. Why was this incident so publicized when in the same year there were other miners all over the world that has died from mining accidents? In the unremarkable months surrounding the Chilean rescue, 26 miners died in China (October 17), a tiny fraction of the nearly 3,000 miners who died there the same year; 29 miners died in a New Zealand coal mine (November 19); 30 miners died in Turkey (May 17); 66 in Russia (May 8); and, of course, the 29 coal miners who died in West Virginia (April 5). (Volk, 2011).
The miners suffering was very great for them and their families in all the media attention that they received did it affect their lives in a negative