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Essay by   •  March 15, 2011  •  516 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,114 Views

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Major League Baseball Salary Cap

Major League Baseball has been the only that hasn't integrated a salary cap into the sport. Sporting leagues are one of the most profitable organizations in the business world. The salary cap was put into place so that teams can have an equal chance of winning because they all would be limited to spending the same amount of money on players. Even though teams are owned by large organizations; examples are Disney and Microsoft, they are still limited with the amount of money they can spend on their teams because of the salary cap. The question is will adding a salary cap in professional baseball hurt the league or helps it.

Currently in baseball the three highest paid teams are the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox's and the New York Mets. You can realize why these teams are the premier paid teams because they are big city teams that get a good fan base which represent more money being earned. These teams also have the need to win to show the city where they play in that they mean business. Smaller teams like the Kansas City Royals, Tampa Bay Devil Rays and the Pittsburg Pirates don't have the luxury of being capable of coming up with the money for these high paid athletes. The salary cap would increase the chances of these small market teams to have a chance to win against big market teams. The salary cap has helped the National Football League and the National Basketball Association to make the sport more equal and competitive. There are many positive effects that can come out of a salary cap.

There is a lot of positive effect that can come out of putting in a salary cap into Major League Baseball but there are a few negative effects. Teams like the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox will have to share revenue with smaller market teams like the royals and pirates. The big market teams will not be able to spend the money on high price players and will not win



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