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Cold Feet

Essay by   •  December 23, 2010  •  699 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,042 Views

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Cold Feet

How much does it cost? Does it have my major/minor? How far is it from my family? These are some questions that many college bound students are thinking about pertaining to choosing a college. Many young adults are very scared to make a choice as important as this. Many students second guess themselves and have so-called "cold feet" before they leave home. This is a circumstance much similar to one I am going through. Here are some things to know about the difference between two of my favorite colleges. One is a University and the other is a Community College.

The first and foremost question most college bound students ask about is the tuition. Every college will find some way to bribe you into enrolling into their system and going to their college. There are in state and out of state tuition costs. For instate residency, it is $12,000-$16,000 on average at UNL (University of Nebraska at Lincoln). For instate non-residency, it is $20,000-$26,000 on average at UNL. For out of state or international costs it is $24,000-$31,000 on average. These prices are just for one year of college and are the main reason why colleges give out so many scholarships, to try to work around the costs. Many people cannot afford colleges; therefore, they choose to go to what is known as a Community College or small college. The main college I am interested in is Johnson County Community College (JCCC). It is located in Overland Park, KS. This college is a little college with huge benefits and tons of options.

The other problem many students face is whether the college has their specific major/minor. For most people, finding what you want to do right away is very unlikely. Most students go to school for a couple of years and then finally find out what they want. I am personally looking for a college with Business Administration with Meteorology, Cosmetology, or Accounting. JCCC has all of these and is ranked one of the highest community colleges in the mid-west. UNL has one of the best programs for Law Students and also for people going into Accounting. In general, I don't like big crowds, so my odds of going to a smaller college are far greater than a University. Going



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