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Comparative Innovative Business

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Hong Kong Baptist University

Collage of International Education

Associate Degree Programme

GECR5001 Popular culture in China

Section: 59

China's online shopping culture

                           Lecturer: Dr HO Hing Cheong

Student name: Huang Ying Ting

Student number: 13636758

Date of Submission: 7th December. 2013

China's online shopping culture

With the rapid development of information technology, online shopping is not just a fashion anymore; it is more integrated into people's daily lives. For example Taobao, since its birth in 2003, Taobao has been advocating honest, lively and efficient network transactions culture in recent years. I strongly believe that the development of online shopping is inseparable from the increasingly sophisticated e-commerce platform, cultural ideas and more importantly, the fashion standards.

First of all, the increasingly sophisticated e-commerce platform has contributed in removing obstacles in online shopping. Network   information platform has been improving. Taobao, in this case, is the largest and most important platform, which is getting more sophisticated as time goes by in China. Taobao inception, the purchase price paid by the buyer and seller is the biggest obstacle to the buyers choose the right product first Taobao shopping money remitted to name the buyer receive the goods through online confirmation, and then proceeds go to Taobao seller account, although this effectively avoid direct remittance to the crooks in the hands of the buyer suffers loss, but also increased the complexity of the transfer procedures Taobao workload. Until 2004, Ma has opened an independent third-party payment platform, Alipay establishment, dedicated to e-commerce to provide "simple, safe, fast" online payment solutions to "trust" as the core products and services, not only from the product ensure the safety of users online payments, while also allowing users across the network via Paypal establish mutual trust and create a more pure Internet environment.

From the discovery of the problem to solve problems, to independent research and development to curb the problem in the bud state, has launched Taobao Want, Ali Want free online business communication software, seven days no reason to return, fake a lose three, "24 hours Lightning delivery "," digital and appliance repair service 30 days ", third-party inspection service, in 2009 Taobao also launched a number of features to enhance the user experience and services, including social networking," Amoy arena "and to facilitate third party Taobao membership application developers for the creation of services "Taobao open platform", in addition to Taobao also strengthened lifestyle information and other services. Taobao even opened a special green channel deaf Amoy Friends Want to facilitate deaf Amoy faithful can find our first time to solve the problems encountered two small problems. Taobao also opened a studio video new media services on Taobao members, concerned about the story behind the Taobao shopkeeper, Taobao up to the people to share the experience of life, focusing electricity supplier in the field of hot news.

Secondly, cultural ideas are used in Taobao. Taobao continues with powerful friends, shopping online shopping enthusiasm escalating, "you Amoy yet " instead of " you've eaten " has become routine among white-collar workers greeting. National and global friends because Taobao and soon, buyers and sellers became grok even long friends from ordinary shoppers to Amoy friends, to " Amoy family" Taobao common culture that drives them forward, the young " Amoy family" are even more contributed their boundless energy and enthusiasm of youth gives unlike Taobao fashion shopping culture. To this end, Taobao launched a series of public activities: Amoy doll added Kam a love music festivals, grassroots love big buy, online shopping green low-carbon life, love Taobao member Lin et al. Taobao also takes advantage of the holiday resources for the Holiday Special, ignite consumer desire: the perfect Valentine's Day, two 11 pairs of 12 carnival, warm Mother's Day, Father's Day, Taobao personalized custom product area opened by the young geared, it is the idea of individual consumers reflected in the goods, to meet the demand for commodities personalized.

Online shopping developed to food, daily necessities, luxury goods, electrical appliances, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and even large furniture, decoration materials, more insurance, real estate, etc. almost anything can be achieved in any country of the network to buy, thus becoming the world flat and transparent. Online shopping mode after years of exploration and reforms have been gradually improve and diversify away from B2B to B2C, C2C and then from BMC, the coexistence of various modes basically meet the different needs of different groups of online shopping, e-commerce and Online shopping is changing consumption patterns of people's lives, but also led to the development of social employment, logistics, payment and other related industries, for the promotion of social stability, economic development, expand employment, increase consumption and so important.



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