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Differences In Communication

Essay by   •  November 28, 2010  •  645 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,154 Views

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essay on the differences of communication between males/females.

Differences in Communication

"You're not listening to me!" she screamed with tears in her eyes. He stood looking puzzled. He threw up his hands in frustration and said, "I have listened to every word you have said!" Communication is an essential element of our daily lives. In a romantic setting it is a tool that helps us understand and grow closer to that significant person. There is no disputing that men and women have many differences in communication. They differ greatly in what they talk about, why they talk, and how they talk.

One way that women and men differ in communication is what they talk about. Men and women talk about different things. Men talk about sports, politics, and automobiles things that are cut and dry and often involve little emotion. On the other hand, women tend talk to express emotions, talk about friends, and relationships. In a relationship this can cause a number of problems. From my experience, after a long day of work and being apart, when we did have time to spend together it would get very frustrating for me. I was ready to talk about us and how I was feeling. He would begin to rant about work and how tired he was and other things that I felt were meaningless. I would end up getting frustrated and we would end up arguing or in separate rooms.

Another way that men and women differ in communication is why they talk. Men tend to speak to fix a problem, establish status or resolve an issue. Women on the other hand talk to express emotions, to maintain intimacy, and to connect. This difference can really impact the relationship negatively it is not understood. It can cause a huge distance between two people. When my husband and I were dating and conflict would arise it was so frustrating cause I was trying to express how the situation made me feel and he was too busy trying to justify the situation and fix the problem. It took several heated



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