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Do Violent Video Games Make People Violent in Real Life?

Essay by   •  November 22, 2018  •  Essay  •  1,234 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,598 Views

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Juan Miguel B. Castillo                                                                September 11, 2018

12 – STEM B                                                                        Ma’am Espino


( Argumentative essay )

We have been in those so called "modern society" wherein the technologies and the knowledge in electronics is continuously improving day by day. Social media, high-tech devices, internet, movies and even video games. Video games has been somehow a great part of the children. These video games tend to entertain the users and at the same time affect our knowledge to a specific field regardless of the gender of the user. Adaptation depends on the users. Any violent content couldn't affect people's thinking.

Last june 27, the supreme court just landed a opinion in such controversial, high-profile case with a violent content. As a result, a California law has been pronounced. Restricting any sale or rental of violent video games to minors. Though the psychology of children depends of what the see, hear and play is not applied. Adapting any content that has been shared upon the user, will surely depend on whether oneself will apply it to oneself's life. However, there are video gamers who are not old enough to handle and assess critical understandings.

Therefore, in this kind of situation, it could still be harmful for young users and demands for the need of supervision of parents.

Yuri Azril D. Mendoza                                                                September 11, 2018

12 – STEM B                                                                        Ma’am Espino

( Argumentative Essay )

        "Games don't create violence, they reflect the violent society we already live in". Is it true? Or it is the other way around? Mainly, the purpose of playing games is to entertain. Not only that, there are genre of games which can test one's ability to solve puzzles and improve your critical thinking that can also be applied in real life. But how about the games with violence? Do they contribute positively on how a person thinks? Or games with violence can greatly affect a person to become aggressive? We all know that many people are fond of playing games especially children. And children can be easily influenced by the things they often see. So technically, if these children are playing games that are violent, there is a chance that it would affect and increase their level of aggression causing them to be violent just like the games they play.

        Playing violent games can make a person violent. Scientists who are convinced that violent video games do have meaningful negative effects point out that numerous experimental studies, using various methodologies, have demonstrated a link between playing violent video games and aggression (Bushman & Huesmann, 2014). Also, playing violent video games is different from playing positive, constructive games. In fact, violent videogames have an even more powerful influence than violent television and movies. While violent videogames may promote some complex problem solving and coordination skills as well, they have multiple negative effects. First, in violent video game play the player learns to associate violence with pleasure. This means that if a person is told to hurt or kill a character in a game, he will gain points or rewards. This builds the wrong idea and opposes the concept of having a reward for doing a good thing. Second, people practice over and over the actions available in a game. The player practices violent behavior multiple times. And whatever a person practices repeatedly becomes an automatic response or a habit. For instance, the game is about being a criminal that roams around the neighborhood and robbing or stealing from every house he passes by. The act of stealing from strangers in the game becomes normal to the person who is playing.



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