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Drunk Driving

Essay by   •  November 28, 2010  •  662 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,240 Views

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At approximately 8:06pm, the phone rang at the Smith family's house. The 11 year old brother, Jeff decided to answer it. What he heard on the other end of the line was something so totally unexpected that he dropped the phone and ran straight for his parents, screaming at the top of his lungs. His parents, Stu and Joan, were confused; they had no idea what Jeff was screaming about. When they finally got Jeff to calm down, he told them what he had heard on the other end of the line. Craig, Jeff's older brother, had been seriously injured in a drunk driving car accident and the family was needed at the hospital right away. The car ride to the hospital was not a great one. Jeff and his mother were crying hysterically and Stu tried to make sense of things in his head. How could this happen to my son? Was Craig the one that had been drinking? If so, why would he? He was the perfect kid! He always got straight A's, was captain of the football team, the president of his senior class in high school. He would have known better than to be out drinking and driving. When the family arrived at the hospital, they were told by the doctors that Craig was in critical condition and it was not likely that he would make it. One of the doctors sat the hysterical family members down and told them everything. Craig had been driving home from football practice like normal when he was struck in the side of his car by a drunk driver who ran a red light. The drunk came out of the accident with barely a scratch, and by the time the police came, the driver had left the scene. They put out an alert and finally found him walking dizzily down the road not knowing where he was. At that point of the story, Stu lashed out, "Where is he?! Does he know what he did to my son?!" The doctor told him that the man was being taken to the police station and would be arrested there. Another doctor came out of the room that Craig was in and told the family that they were allowed to see him. When they walked into the room, they all gasped. They saw Craig with his eyes closed, hooked up to many machines with bandages all



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