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Has This Become a Positive or Negative Development

Essay by   •  May 15, 2016  •  Essay  •  464 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,088 Views

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Nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?

Has this become a positive or negative development?

The invention and advancement of technology has had a massive impact on the way people interact or communicate. This impacts have in these days changed the way people interact by reducing the use of traditional interacting methods, to the ever increasing use of technology. Lots of people are making their circle of friends on line with strangers. However, there are both Pros and Cons of this development and this is what I am going to explore.

Firstly, mobile phones have become very common and used by both individuals and corporate bodies to speak with people all over world.

Secondly, a computer with an internet connection is also used to communicate with people all over the world using emails and video calls.

Last but not least, the emergence of social networks is another platform used for interaction. It is used to reach a targeted audience at one time.

The development of communication technology has certainly impacted positively on many relationships. For Instance it has helped the corporate world to interact with their colleagues, business partners, and so on use telephone calls and video conferencing to transact businesses all over the world without meeting physically. Emails are also used instead of using telegraphs and telegrams. Many family members scattered across the world use technology to communicate with each other making them nearer to each other. Social media has also influenced more and more people, especially young people, to make friends with a lot of people all over the world.

Although technology has impacted on the type of relationships people make positively, it has also had a negative effect as well. Many people are increasingly becoming isolated, because they ignore making friends the traditional way of meeting people physically to meeting people in the ‘’virtual world’’. Technology has also brought a big ‘’generation gap’’ due to the fact that many young people are unable to communicate with the elderly on the same level, as they would their peers. In addition there are more ‘’cyber crimes’’ like financial fraud, abuse and grooming of vulnerable people.



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