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Leadership In Business And Countries

Essay by   •  April 6, 2011  •  354 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,357 Views

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Leadership in Business and of Countries

Successful leaders of countries and in business believe in principle and process. They take the time to listen, imagine and investigate numerous alternatives. With the others' involvement they forge creative solutions to difficult problems. They challenge their people to stretch, go beyond their previous boundaries and think outside the box. Successful leaders feed off their employees and allow their employees to feed off of them. They give credit where credit is due. They give recognition as a means of gaining respect. They believe individuals can make a difference. Through these methods, they learn to create new insights and possibilities. They insist upon best practice and a process that defines responsibilities provides clarity and embraces accountability.

Successful leadership means creating a sense of urgency, getting mutual commitment to action. Action steps are always clearly defined, precise and backed up by a commitment to the process necessary for execution. Often, due to the personification of the leader's own personality and charisma, employees are eager to leap into action - without forethought. A successful leader recognizes this possibility and takes the necessary steps to avoid this pitfall by teaching precision in planning. They are clear and explicit. They communicate with encouraging clarity that commands ownership by everyone involved in the commitments made.

The successful leader is constantly building advantages into his or her organization. The belief is that you don't always have to be better than your competition, but you must be different. This concept demands creativity and innovations. However, this creativity and innovation must be built into the plans and the process that support it. It must be distinctive, yet it must be manageable and predictable. This could involve anything from new technologies to market segmentation



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