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My Views and Thoughts on Being a Real Man

Essay by   •  August 7, 2016  •  Creative Writing  •  347 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,039 Views

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                                                 My views and thoughts on being a real man

      The impact you have on others is what shows your true value. Helping others achieve their best in life is the goal of a true leader. As a leader of the African American males it is my duty to provide a blue print for improvement. The days for excuses are long gone. One of the greatest leaders the world has known Mr. Nelson Mandela proved that if something is truly important to you it is worth a sacrifice. This man fought for equality against odds and gave up twenty seven years of his life for what he believed in.

      The problem with men today is that have no direction or purpose that drives them be the best. Most of the ones that are driven have hidden agendas. The last group are the few that see the good in others who are less fortunate and then they lend talents to helping them achieve success. My goal in life is to motivate others by sharing my journey as a man.

      The obstacles I have overcome in life were test. The grades received from these test were up and down. As a child I grew up in Crescent City, Florida.  Growing up in a small town has it good points. You know everybody family are usually and making friends are easy to make. Life was up and down. I saw that would make you want to cry about. However, the most influential person in my life when I was my grandmother. One the greatest women I knew in my life Emma Lee Brantley.  

       When I was a child grandparents were real grandparents not the Watered down version we have today. They were loving but firm when you got out of line. My grandmother taught me the rules of life and how overcome the odds. She taught me how to care for others no matter who they were.




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