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Review Of Just Legal On The Wb

Essay by   •  March 3, 2011  •  627 Words (3 Pages)  •  900 Views

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Cancelled after just three shows, Just Legal apparently failed to satisfy a constantly maturing and intelligent audience in America. Typically know for delivering outstanding shows, Jerry Bruckheimer Television failed to capture viewers so the question then arisesÐ'...Why? Was it simply a case of bad timing, poor character choice or just the wrong network? With a similar show "Head Cases" going down in flames on FOX, the examination takes place on why these shows did not fit into the times we live in now.

When Just Legal was created on the WB, it was classified as a drama, but even in its first airing, it soon came off as less of that and more of a comedy. So let's begin by saying America may have became confused (because I know I was). Jerry Bruckheimer created a bad monster; that is a sitcom trapped inside of a dramas body. Anyone who has ever been in a courtroom for any reason knows that that may be the last place on earth you will find comedy and joking. Especially when a defendant is up for murder as was the accused character in Just Legal's pilot show. With that said, it becomes difficult to find realness in that with such serious cases such as murder on trial. Contrary to that, successful shows like Boston Legal and Ally McBeal found a way to incorporate comedy in the world of the legal system, but unlike Just Legal and Head Cases, their cases were very strong and often ran multiple at a time. And if you look at those two shows, you will notice that the comedy takes place more outside the courtroom than inside whereas it seemed the exact opposite in Just Legal. In the WB's show, there was more seriousness and examination of the characters lives and emotions outside of the courtroom. But once in the courtroom, funny happenings and interactions occur leaving the audience feeling like they just played a game of Twister. So the actuality and authenticity of what happens in courtrooms portrayed in Just Legal remains in question and may have played a major factor in it demise.

Why else was this show created? Well let's look at a few factors. With the booming rate of legal/crime dramas, it is evident that America



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