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Shariah Supervision of Funds

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Chapter 4: Data Analysis

Although this was a test of efficiency rather than a survey, we have had to make a small survey regarding Islamic banking in Malaysia, of course the population and the sample size could not be as expected but we still have some results. Total no of questionnaires distributed cannot be reported since the survey was carried out in google forms. The no of surveys received were 28, below we will show the statistics of questionnaire and how the respondents answered the questions.

[pic 1]

The first and the most common questions which would be included in any survey was to find out what respondents belong to which age group

[pic 2]

This show us how much percentage of gender answered the questionnaire.

[pic 3]

One of the main questions which can show how efficient how Islamic banking is in Malaysia.

Now that we have shown a couple of questions, we have used SPSS software to make some tests on these questionnaire, as shown below.

Data Collection and Analysis

In light of this review, eight residential Islamic business banks. The review time frame from 2006 to 2011 was picked as six out of eight residential Islamic business banks (aside from Bank Islam what's more, Bank Muamalat) were set up in 2005 onwards. The wellsprings of info and yield factors were acquired from the Bankscope database [2] bundle delivered by Authority van Dijk electronic distributing (BVDep), supplemented with the distributed monetary record and pay proclamation as revealed in the yearly reports of the residential banks. All information is in a great many Ringgit Malaysia (RM).

3.1.1 Input and yield for DEA

As the reason for this review is to assess the effectiveness of banks by and large, with banks going about as money related go-betweens, the review utilizes the intermediation approach, which has been generally utilized in ordinary bank considers (Barr et al., 1999; Matthews and Ismail, 2005; Omar et al., 2006) and Islamic bank studies (Yudistira, 2003; Sufian, 2006a, b; Hassan, 2006; Mohamad et al., 2008; Shahid et al., 2010) and Islamic and regular bank considers (Mohd Zamil, 2007; Kamaruddin et al., 2008; Bader et al., 2008; Abdul Majid et al., 2009; Shahid et al., 2010). The intermediation approach is the most reliable with the idea of Islamic keeping money, which concentrates on a bank's part as monetary middle person between the supplier of capital (financial specialist) and client of assets (business person). Besides, this approach is in accordance with the Islamic managing an account capacity that depends on benefit sharing contracts, which include a value investment guideline with contributors (Abdul Majid et al., 2009).

This review takes after the info and yield by Isik and Hassan (2002), Hassan (2006)[3],

what's more, Shamsher et al. (2008)[4]. In this review, the sources of info utilized are work (measured by work force costs), capital (measured by settled resources) and aggregate stores (add up to reserves

which incorporates add up to client store and store and here and now subsidizing). All

factors are measured in a great many Malaysian Ringgit (RM), while, the yields

utilized are add up to credits, other procuring resources and shaky sheet things. Likewise, the

input costs are ascertained as cost of work (faculty costs separated by aggregate

resources), cost of settled resources (settled resources is isolated by the aggregate resources) and cost

of stores (the aggregate of intrigue costs in addition to other working costs isolated

by the aggregate deposits) [5]. The information is breaking down by utilizing the DEA Excel Solver (Zhu,


3.1.2 Variables 

for Tobit relapse examination. For Tobit[6] relapse examination, the

subordinate factors comprise of five sorts of effectiveness score (u ¼ TE, PTE, SE, CE, AE)

gotten from the DEA. Be that as it may, the autonomous factors picked are log of aggregate resources

(SIZE) to gauge bank estimate; return on resources (ROA) – net salary to aggregate resources proportion to measure bank productivity; capital ampleness (EQUITY) – proportion of value to aggregate resources

to quantify capitalization; credit quality variable (PNPL) – proportion of arrangement for weakened

advances to aggregate advances; and bank costs (EXPENSE) – proportion of working costs to

add up to resources. Tobit relapse examination is used to recognize the determinants of bank

productivity utilizing Eviews 6.0 (Table I)

Independent variables

Variables used by


Bank Size - Total Assets

Darrat et al. (2002), Abdul Majid et al. (2003), and Ahmad Mokhtar et al. (2007)

Darrat et al. (2002) found that bank size is negatively and significantly related to efficiency Abdul Majid et al. (2003) and Ahmad Mokhtar et al. (2007) found a positive relationship between bank size with technical and cost efficiency

Profitability - Net Income to Total Assets (ROA)

Darrat et al. (2002) and Mohd Zamil (2007)

Darrat et al. (2002) found a significant positive relationship between profitability of banks and all types of efficiency Mohd Zamil (2007) found that profitability is positively associated with technical efficiency

Capitalization - Equity to Total Assets

Mohd Zamil (2007), Ahmad Mokhtar et al. (2007), and Mohamad Noor and Ahmad (2011)

Ahmad Mokhtar et al. (2007) found that the ratio of equity to assets (capitalization) has a significant positive influence on technical and cost efficiency Mohamad Noor and Ahmad (2011) also found a positive relationship between equity (equity/total assets) and bank efficiency levels Mohd Zamil (2007) found that profitability is positively associated with scale efficiency

Loan Quality - Provision for Impaired Loans (NPLs) to Total Loan

Ahmad Mokhtar et al. (2007)

Ahmad Mokhtar et al. (2007) found that loan quality shows insignificant negative coefficient of loan quality for both cost and technical efficiency

Expenses - Operating Expenses to Total Assets

Mohamad Noor and Ahmad (2011)

Mohamad Noor and Ahmad (2011) found a positive relationship between bank expenses with bank efficiency levels



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