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The Living Photograph Poem Essay

Essay by   •  April 11, 2018  •  Essay  •  377 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,017 Views

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The living photograph poem relates to me that my grandmother is a very strong and independent woman. Although she is not well-educated during her young age, she raised her children in a proper way. She also works so hard to raise her family in those days. She values the bond between our family members. She has the most angelic smile I have ever seen. My grandmother wears a grey bun hair.  She likes to cook. All the food that she cooked is scrumptious. She also likes to do gardening. She always nag to me but we know it was good for us. If I have any problem my grandmother will lend her hand to help me. She also motivates me. My grandmother is a very positive minded and she is not afraid of anyone. I love my grandmother,I hope she will be healthy and can live for a hundred years.

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