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United Nations

Essay by   •  December 22, 2010  •  252 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,368 Views

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The United Nations is based on Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations. The United Nations started in 1945 and was formed with the United Nations Charter. The United Nations had the same purpose as the League of Nations, to prevent conflict between states. But the League of Nations was change greatly to better fir its purpose. The United Nations was made of two different bodies, the General Assembly and the Security Council. The General Assembly was made of all of the members of the United Nations. The Security Council is made of 12 countries, five which are permanent. These five permanent members are the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China. Each of these countries has a special veto power. This is that if any of the five nations decline a bill or action the United Nations will not go forward with it. But unlike the League of Nations that required unanimous agreements by all countries, the United Nations only need a majority. The other seven slots are made of countries that rotate ever two years. These seven countries are of different statuses in the world, some are poor and undeveloped while others are wealthy and powerful. Another difference between the two is that the United Nations meet continuously, not only in stressful times. The United Nations is also able to field an army to serve as peacemakers and peacekeepers. This was a major problem with the League of Nations; the fact that there was no way to created peace and keep it.



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