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Values And Ethics In The Workplace

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Values and Ethics in the Workplace

Values and Ethics in the Workplace

My research has brought me to that our society is gearing toward an (1: New Ethics in the Office. By: Giacalone, Robert A.. BizEd, Sep/Oct2006, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p24-24, 1p) “post-materialistic” society in the workplace. This “post-materialistic” behavior stems from employees wanting more out of life than just going to work, gaining a paycheck and buying materialistic goods. It primarily stems from the employee wanting a more holistic life; that is to say spending more time with family, and having interpersonal relationships outside of the work place.

Secondly, it shows that, there is a strong chance that “An amoral person may be morally mute. This is said to occur when an employee decides to keep quiet and not speak out in situations where they may disagree with circumstances at work that produce an ethical dilemma and when their ability to act as a moral agent is severely compromised, through fear of marginalization at work, or more serious consequences(2: Personal Values as A Catalyst for Corporate Social Entrepreneurship. By: Hemingway, Christine A.. Journal of Business Ethics, Sep2005 Part 1, Vol. 60 Issue 3, p233-249, 17p.).

Finally, my research show that, in order for a corporation to show valuable ethics code it must invest in 1) an employees participation to add to the code; 2) consistency in using the philosophy set forth by the corporation and lastly 3) a corporations officers to follow company ethical protocol. (3: Universal Moral Values for Corporate Codes of Ethics. By: Schwartz, Mark S.. Journal of Business Ethics, Jun2005 Part 2, Vol. 59 Issue 1/2, p27-44, 18p)



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