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  • Cross-Cultural Communication

    Cross-Cultural Communication

    外语学习与跨文化交流 随着改革开放,我们与外界的交流越来越多. 同时跨文化交流也日益频繁. 为了在与不同文化,不同背景下的人交流中避免误会,进行有效的交流在人际间建立良好的关系在群体间增进理解与合作,人们需要了解跨文化交流的知识,提高跨文化交流能力. 1.外语学习与跨文化交流 1.1 我国外语学习情况 语言是人类独有的一种音义结合的符号系统,并且作为人类最重要的交际工具和必不可少的思维工具,语言是一种社会现象,是文化载体,具有全民性. 语言现象可分为两个层次:语言能力和语言结构.前者是指人类共有的.后者是建立在不同种族,不同文化之上的不同语言结构.中国是一个外语学习大国。形形色色的学习者除广大业余爱好者之外主要是初中学生、高中学生和大学生。他们对外语学习的成败、进步快慢、甚至所谓"捷径"或"诀窍"极为关心,也非常注意教材、教师和教法。然而由于多方面的原因,他们以及一些外语教师对学习者本身的特点及其它影响学习成败的因素认识不够,甚至产生错误的认识,因而影响了学习效果。据2004年调查数据显示,目前我国各层次的外语在学人数已达到3000多万人,而"哑巴英语"和"费时低效"等问题仍是中国人学外语的最大"瓶颈"。不少学生读外语只是为了考试,只注重语言知识的积累,而忽视语言交际能力的培养,结果读了十多年外语,口语和口译能力并不理想。同时由于环境因素和个人因素,大大的影响到了学习外语的效果.比如我们在交流的过程中或多或少得会遇到一些情况,我们发现讲外语的人有时会和我们产生不同的反应.这让我们会觉得尴尬与奇怪.产生这类情况的原因也是由于背景与文化的不同.而我们的外语学习者,在学习外语是并没有考虑或是了解过他们的风俗习惯,人生观,价值观.这是我们在外语学习的过程中没有一个真实的环境,仅仅是一味的学习词汇语法.造成的结果是我们在听外国人的对话时会发现这样的情况:他们给我们说话,我们可以听懂;然而,他们之间的对话我们并不能描述出他们所谈的内容.这样的学习效果一定不是我们想要得.因为我们在学习外语,就应该能够做到和他们流利的对话,打交道.但是由于条件限制,不可能每个人都能够在一个真实的环境中学习,那么如果我们有机会去了解这些来自于不同背景,不同历史的文化时,就不应该放弃.这些年来,在中国的留学生也越来越多.学习外语的中国学生就有更多的机会和他们交流,那么在交流的过程当中就可以了解他们的文化.但是在这个过程中,个人因素的影响又是什么呢?比如外语学习者的耐心,自尊,敏感以及是否性格内向或外向都是影响学习速度和成败的个性因素.有的人往往不喜欢抛头露面,遇到问题不愿意主动询问,这样就失去了国的语言输入,文化输入的机会,同时新语言系统发展受到了妨碍.对于外国文化的了解与认同就大打折扣.那么真正在交流的时候就会遇到很多问题.因此,外语学习者在学习过程中既要了解中国的民族文化,也要了解所学语种国家的文化背景,提高自己跨国界、跨文化的语言交际能力。 1.2跨文化交流 1.2.1文化差异与常见错误 文化属于精神范畴,是民族理论思维水平的精神风貌,心理状态,思维方式和价值取向等精神成果的总和.文化具有民族性,继承性,延续性和持久性,它渗透到社会生活的各个层面,无时无地不在起作用.在跨文化交流时,常见的错误来源于语言与文化的差异。有很多例子可以体现这一点。在我们的文化中,龙是吉祥与权利的象征,因此我们所说的望子成龙,龙马精神都是非常好地比喻,然而在西方文化中龙是怪兽,象征着邪恶. 再比如关于颜色的词汇,由于人们的文化风俗,地理位置,历史系统,宗教信仰,民族心理,思维习惯的方面的差异,对于色彩的认知以及理解也是不同的。在英语中紫色被誉为"帝位,显位"。如:be born in the purple 是指生于皇室,be raised to the purple有"走红"的意思。我们说一个人如果害了红眼病,就是指嫉妒,而在英语中是用green来表示的,而不是red。我们所说的红茶在英语中是black tea。同时又联想到汉语中的白薯在英语中是sweet potato而不是white potato。最明显的例子是关于赞扬一个人后的回答。我们通常是说"哪里哪里",英语中是 "thank you"。那么谚语的翻译就更是大相径庭了。当然不能够否认有许多相似之处,但是由于文化的影响,有很多还是不能够逐字逐句翻译的。还是以英语为例,如果有人说spend money like dust, 也许我们能够理解为"挥金如土",可英语国家的人就不能够理解,而正确的说法是spend money like water。同样来源于希腊神话中的Achilles(海神与人的儿子),由于海神在天火里没有完全炼出Achilles因此Achilles身体是刀枪不入而他的脚踝是唯一的致命弱点,因此在英文中Achilles' heel就是指唯一的致命弱点。在欧美等国,很多人信仰基督教,从而中的人物和事件在英语中就有体现. 比如在西方文化中 "伊甸园"表示人类理想的乐园. 英语中"方舟"(Noah's Ark) 代表避难所。英语中"as curious as Lot's wife" 同样是来源于圣经旧约由于Lot's wife 的好奇心太强,转过头去看身后的时候就变成了石头。这样的例子还有很多。宗教信仰也就同时影响了道德与习俗,这些也是同样文化的一部分。比如在欧美有很多不同的方式结婚但是最传统的结婚还是在教堂里。我们在看一些外片的时候,如果有字幕,我们可以更深的了解影片的意思.但是我们同样也可以看到许多平时在课本上看不到的,如:行话(jargon),隐语(argot),黑话(cant),俗语(colloquialism),俚语(slang)和方言土语(localism)以及科学领域的专业术语(term inology)等等。在社会的人际交往中,上述种种语言形式主要从两个方面发挥了效用。其一,便于社会集团内部人员相互交流,互通信息。因为这些语言是他们约定俗成,早已用惯了的。其二,防止不必要信息外流。既然是特定人群内部的语言,其指代内容便自然很难为局外人所窥视。这样的文化差异导致了语言差异.所谓语言差异得最显著特点就是在语言符号转换过程中(不同民族,不同国家的语言互译)会产生两种交流障碍.一种是不同文化背景作用下的语义误差;另一种是民族文化差异的语言指代空缺现象. 所以要掌握一种语言,则必须生活在这种语言文化环境中,或者努力学习了解这种语言的文化.这仅仅是不同范围中的很少一部分例子。而更多的就在于我们对它们的认识与记忆。 1.2.2 原因分析

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  • Crowd Control Vs Crowd Management (For A Powerpoint)

    Crowd Control Vs Crowd Management (For A Powerpoint)

    Crowd Control (All persons have the right to march, demonstrate, protest, rally, or perform other activities protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and The California Constitution. However, any limitations or restrictions placed on demonstrations or other First Amendment activities must be justified by the requirements of maintaining

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  • Crowds and Politics

    Crowds and Politics

    What is a crowd? A crowd can be termed as a temporary collection of people within a limited space responding to a stimuli or an object of attention. A sustainable number of people gathered in a fish market to sell or purchase the commodities can be termed as a crowd

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  • Crude Oil Prices In The Market

    Crude Oil Prices In The Market

    Crude oil prices behave much as any other commodity with wide price swings in times of shortage or surplus. The crude oil price cycle may extend over several years responding to changes in demand as well as OPEC and non-OPEC supply. Reflecting increases in consumer demand for petroleum products, world

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  • Cruise Operations

    Cruise Operations

    Introduction This report will consist of a brief history on general cruising, how it came about and the very first cruise. It will also detail information on two selected brands, P&O along with Carnival. Inclusive of this will be information on the 4ps, in this case; - price, place, people

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  • Cry, The Beloved Country

    Cry, The Beloved Country

    The time period of the publication of Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton coincides with the transitional era prior to the official beginning of the apartheid that lasted a few decades in the South African history. This period in the South Africa was important for the history of the

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  • Csme


    Jamaica is fully prepared for the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) having instituted all the legal and administrative requirements to facilitate the implementation of the Single Market aspect of the process. With the onset of globalisation in the 1980s the region found itself having to compete with larger and

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  • Csr


    Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring...............goes the alarm clock........."Gosh!...It's already 8! I'm gonna be late to office!" And there goes the (sub)-routine....A quick shot of coffee..a glance at the newspaper....a rushed shower....and finally....after waging a war against all those fellow late-to-office bike mates, the ubiquitous software professional reaches his beloved - his cozy little cubicle!

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  • Csr - Benetton

    Csr - Benetton

    CSR in war-torn Africa: Benetton leads the way Benetton chose Senegal's capital, Dakar, to launch its new global advertising campaign called 'Africa works'. It is centered around a micro-credit programme-Birima, spearheaded by Senegalese singer Youssan N' Dour. The 2 billion euro Italian fashion brand Benetton was making its brand socially

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  • Cuba


    The revised Forest Plan for Los Padres National Forest: * Provides strategic management direction for the 1.78 million acres of Los Padres National Forest for the next 10-15 years. * Is based on the concept of adaptive management. The plan will be adjusted as new science and knowledge become available

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  • Cuba


    Cuba Print Essay | Email Essay | Cite Essay The revolution in Cuba was not a result of economic deprivation, nor because of high expectations in the economy, it was the political factors and expectations which evoked the civilians to revolt. The Cuban economy was moving forward at the time

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  • Cuban Baseball And Political Policies Of Communist Cuba

    Cuban Baseball And Political Policies Of Communist Cuba

    The importance of Cuban baseball and political policies of Communist Cuba go hand in hand with each other. No activity or business has been more affected by the embargo the United States enforces on Cuba than the thousands of Cuban baseball players who have been forced to play for

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  • Cubas Current Problems And How They Relate To America

    Cubas Current Problems And How They Relate To America

    Modern Cuba has been shaped by the U.S.'s abhorrence for the communist government. Today there are many problems in Cuba such as its waning economy, its health care issues, even its pollution, but almost all of them stem from the U.S. unwillingness to cooperate with the Cuban government, and ultimately,

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  • Cultrual Intervention And Assessment

    Cultrual Intervention And Assessment

    Cultural Interview and Assessment of a Muslim Immigrant Nursing 464 University of Phoenix November 13, 2006 In rural central Kentucky there are is not a notable cultural diversity as seen in larger more populated areas. In fact, most immigrants are migrant workers from Mexico or Guatemala. However, there are

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  • Cultural


    When we enter the world we enter naked physically, socially, and culturally. Unlike other living creatures humans need social experience to learn their culture and survive. Only humans rely on culture rather than instincts to ensure the survival of their kind. The natural thing to humans is to create culture.

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  • Cultural And Racial Bias In Standardized Testing

    Cultural And Racial Bias In Standardized Testing

    In the United States the test-taking industry is a multibillion dollar practice. In the 1960’s testing companies began to exert a strong influence over education. Their salesmen convinced many school districts that multiple-choice achievement tests were the best way to rate student performance. They also persuaded the federal government that

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  • Cultural Awareness

    Cultural Awareness

    Cultural Awareness Whatever type of patient a nurse encounters he/she has to be aware of that person's culture. Be it a person of the same race contrary to many peoples beliefs; there are many cultures within an ethnic group that help define that race. I think this is the reason

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  • Cultural Communication And You

    Cultural Communication And You

    Cultural Communication and You Title Page Culture and Communication Cultural Communication and You By * Authors Adler, Ronald B., Lawrence B. Rosenfeld, and Russell F. Proctor II Institutional Affiliation 10th ed. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016: Oxford, 2007 Cultural Communication and You 1 This world is full

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  • Cultural Differences

    Cultural Differences

    Cultural Differences Although individuals handle particular situations differently, there are universal themes and rituals that span from culture to culture. Although these traits are inert they are witnessing first hand through the different perspectives and actions that each culture experiences. Different cultures tend to have contrasting values and beliefs which

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  • Cultural Differences Between Genders

    Cultural Differences Between Genders

    Differences Between Genders Gender Differences Between Males and Females Communications Does it feel like you are talking to a person from another planet when you are communicating with the opposite sex? Many people have done research and written many books about this hot topic. But why does it still

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  • Cultural Diversity Eth/125 Japanese American

    Cultural Diversity Eth/125 Japanese American

    Japanese Americans When my Great Grandfather was sixteen, he emigrated from Japan in order to support his parents and to learn skills that would benefit his country. He chose California, rather than Hawaii; another common port of call for Japanese immigrants, as his destination and settled in with his fellow

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  • Cultural Geography

    Cultural Geography

    Refugee’s Tribulations in Becoming American A refugee is defined as an individual that is forced from his or her home land and is not able to return in fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion. In the documentary, Becoming American, a

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  • Cultural Growth

    Cultural Growth

    Cultural growth in the twenty-first century has heightened the emphasis on interpersonal communication in an intercultural setting. As our world grows, expands and becomes increasingly more interconnected by various technological advances, the need for effective interpersonal communication among differing cultures has become quite clear. Due to the advancement of technology

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  • Cultural Identity

    Cultural Identity

    There is a recent Reebok shoe commercial featuring basketball star Allen Iverson playing pool. The commercial is targeted to African Americans by the use of shared values and norms to the African American community. In the commercial, Iverson is wearing a hat sideways, jewelry, and baggy pants, all images that

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  • Cultural Identity

    Cultural Identity

    The Sound Of Life Honestly I don’t know what my culture is. I've asked my parents what my culture is and they say it's all around you and that made absolutely no sense to me. But then I started thinking: What is the one thing that connects me and my

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  • Cultural Influence On International Businesses

    Cultural Influence On International Businesses

    Running head: Cultural Influence on International Businesses Touro University International Wendell K. Speegle MGT 501 Module One: The Nature of Organizations and the Contemporary Environment Dr. Donna DiMatteo Abstract Culture will play a major part in the dynamics of the way we operated in international business circles. Managers today will

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  • Cultural Influences On Eating Out Habits In The Uk

    Cultural Influences On Eating Out Habits In The Uk

    Society today has become accustomed to dining out. It has become a large part of British culture according to a survey carried out by Mintel entitled �Evening Eating Habits in the UK’ (2005). Dining out at ethnically themed restaurants and takeaways has increased in recent years due to many different

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  • Cultural Issues

    Cultural Issues

    Cultural Issues of Gender, Gender Roles, and Their Treatment of Men and Women The purpose of this paper is to compare Japanese and Middle Eastern Arab- Muslim cultures concerning the issue of gender, gender roles, and the treatment of women and men throughout history. Muslim women and men, in the

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  • Cultural Meaning

    Cultural Meaning

    CULTURAL MEANING The meaning humans give to actions, concepts and behaviours is dependent on the cultural milieu and is conditioned to a great extent by the underlying meaning systems, values and frames of meaning he/she inherites from the society in general. Socialization plays a direct role in that process. Education,

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  • Cultural Norms, Fair And Lovely, And Advertising

    Cultural Norms, Fair And Lovely, And Advertising

    Fair & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its Web site (, the company calls its product "the miracle worker," "proven to deliver one to three shades of change." While tanning is the rage in Western

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