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300 Vs The World

Essay by   •  December 29, 2010  •  1,591 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,475 Views

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300 Vs. the World

Charging into battle with just the bare minimum the Persian slave army was massacred by an outnumbered force of light skinned warriors. The Iranian government believes that the movie "300" is a psychological attack by Hollywood on there history and culture although others believe it is just a well made hack and slash war movie.

To some the movie "300" shows the Persians as a horrible people that have no value for there comrades life. "It seeks to tell people that Iran, which is in the Axis of Evil now, has for long been the source of evil and modern Iranians' ancestors are the ugly murderous dumb savages you see in 300(BBC News)". These People believe that the depiction of a fictional movie has any bearing on the world's view of their country. These people look far too deep into a meaning of a fictional movie. "Iranians complain that it represents them as savage, murderous and warmongering(guardian unlimited)". The Iranians primes minister insist that a movie based on a comic book can seriously be a attack by Hollywood on there long history. It makes some question the maturity of the government. Gholamhossein Elham states that, "Such a fabrication of culture and insult to people is not acceptable by any nation or government(guardian unlimited)". This argument is a failure in all aspects because the movie is fictional, nothing more than a digitally animated fight scene with drama. It just shows how far Iran will go to ridicule others.

Iran has made allegations like this in the past "This is not the first time Iran has accused Hollywood of taking a shot at it. There was outrage over the 2004 epic Alexander which showed the Macedonian general easily conquering the Persian Empire(BBC News)." This proves that Iran has mad a large deal out of movies in the past over small matters. It takes the entertainment industries too serious which might lead it into a situation it won't like. One blogger from Iran states, "The actions of leaders of third world countries has a more destructive effect on the westerners' perception of these countries than Hollywood productions(Joneidi)". These lash outs and remarks by the Iranian government are just ruining the American perspective of them more than this movie ever could. "Values in Iranian culture and the Islamic Revolution are too strongly seated to be damaged by such plans(Peoples daily online).", says Iranian prime minister. This proves that the only reason the Iranian culture is making any noise about this movie is because it is too insecure about its welfare. This shows how weak the Muslim nation really is.

The prime minister of Iran has stated that, Iran is strong enough to fight this "psychological attack" from America while showing weakness by acknowledging it. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, prime minister of Iran said, "The film is a form of "psychological warfare" against Tehran and its people Ð'- although he qualified it by insisting that Iranian culture was strong enough to withstand the assault(indielondon)". If the followers of Mohammed are strong enough to stand against this "attack" then why must it be ridiculed by the leaders on multiple occasions. They must be scared to bad talk about a fictional movie. "The story has even been reported in daily Iranian newspapers with one publication, Ayandeh-No reportedly carrying the headline "Hollywood declares war on Iranians(indielondon)". People in the Middle East are looking for anything to cling to be leadership has failed and morale is dropping. These people will do anything to revive the old days of great power for the Muslims. The government spokesman, Gholamhossein Elham stated that "Such a fabrication of culture and insult to people is not acceptable by any nation or government(Guardian Unlimited)." Many countries have been made to look bad in the eyes of others without a giant uproar. This is just a cheap shot at America to weaken the support of American the American war against terrorism. This all may be a ploy by a terrorist group to bring an end to the war.

There is evidence that' shows this may be a ploy to rally and unify the Muslim countries to fight again the U.S. "four MPs have urged the foreign ministry to pressure other Muslim countries to ban it(Guardian Unlimited)." Iran shows with this move that it wants to bring others into this fight against Americans. They also show that they cannot stand against America alone. "Javad Shamqadri, an art advisor to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, accused the new movie of being "part of a comprehensive U.S. psychological war aimed at Iranian culture(Peoples Daily Online)." The Iranian government will try and say anything to rally others against the American cause of freedom. It makes you wonder if certain groups are supporting this because they will benefit from America pulling out of the Middle East. This would be the perfect opportunity to influence the Muslim population of American to really turn around their support for the war.

Many groups would reap from the Muslim community rising up and protesting the war in Iraq. A reformist newspaper in Iran states, "there is no option other than to confront, fight and destroy this wicked tribe so that the world can be saved from this axis of evil," the paper's film critic wrote(Guardian Unlimited)." They state that people must fight the invaders who wish to take there lands by force. This is just the rallying call need to start riots in Iraq, Iran, and America. The state art advisor to Iran states, "American cultural officials thought they could get mental satisfaction by



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