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Essay by   •  March 28, 2011  •  538 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,427 Views

Essay Preview: 9/11

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"Fahrenheit 9/11" is a chilling documentary made by Michael Moore that gives us a glimpse of what went on behind the World Trade Center attacks. This documentary is very well made, it sets the right tone for each scene and Moore is good at making his point. For example, in the opening scene, Condoleezza and other cabinet members are shown primping prior to being on TV. This shows the fact that they are more concerned about their exterior image and act, not necessarily concerned with doing the right thing. When Moore first portrays the attacks, he does not show the planes hitting the towers like every news channel. Moore, however, shows the screen completely black - proving that the sounds are all we need to distinguish that tragic day. In this documentary, Bush is linked to the Bin Laden family and companies that have done well since the World Trade Center attacks. Moore poses a lot of rhetorical questions throughout the documentary to make us think further.

Although the documentary is very catastrophic at times, and very sobering, it still manages to be funny. The scene of Michael Moore driving around in an ice cream truck reading the Patriot Act in Washington, D.C. is priceless. At one point, an interview with a pro-war Britney Spears is included, which is undoubtedly funny. Clips of George W. Bush saying the most random, idiotic things can make anyone laugh. He looks particularly stupid when asked about what he was doing the rest of the day when he replies "things" and, some other "things." At times it makes me question why this fool was even ever elected. I like the way Moore included a little humor, while still making his point.

Moore knows how to use sensory images and senses to his advantage, and music is one of those. He builds hype with motivational songs, as the soldiers go off to war. More tense moments are accompanied with slow reflective music. The sounds during the World Trade Center attacks are devastating



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