A Cultural Analysis Of Mexico
Essay by 24 • July 6, 2011 • 1,342 Words (6 Pages) • 3,523 Views
To help better understand Mexico’s culture, a brief overview of Geert Hofstede’s study of different cultures would be useful. Hofstede’s cultural taxonomy helps in the understanding of cultural differences. Hofstede proposed that people carry mental programs that are developed during their childhood and are reinforced by their culture (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.114). Through these programs, the ideas of a culture are expressed through its principal values. Hofstede conducted a study of over 100,000 IBM employees in over seventy-one countries in order to identify these principal values in different cultures. After his initial study, he conducted additional research in additional countries not in the IBM sample. Through his study and additional research, he identified five dimensions along which dominant patterns can be categorized; individualism versus collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity versus femininity, and long-term versus short-term orientation to time. Below is a brief description of each dimension followed by Mexico’s cultural values within the criteria.
Individualism versus collectivism refers to the degree to which a culture values the individual or the group. People must live and interact with others in order for survival and the must strike a balance between showing concern for themselves and concern for others (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.115). Hofstede created an individualism index (IDV) to judge a culture’s individualism-collectivism dimension. A high IDV indicates a highly individualistic society, where people believe they should take care of themselves and maybe, their immediate family. People look out for what benefits the individual, not the group. Examples of countries with a high IDV score are Australia, England and the United States. Countries that have a low IDV prefer loyalty to the group over loyalty to the individual. Decisions are based on what is best for the group and in turn, the group looks out for its individual members. Examples of a low IDV culture include Guatemala, Ecuador and Panama. Mexico has a low IDV score (-55) (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.115) which makes it a collectivist culture. Mexicans have a strong loyalty to family, church and close acquaintances. Children are raised to toward an ideal versus the appreciation for the uniqueness of the child (Segrest, 2003, p.13). Also, Mexico fits into both predictors of a collectivist society. It is a poor country and it has a very warm climate.
Uncertainty avoidance is defined as the extent to which a culture feels threatened by ambiguous, uncertain situations and tries to avoid them by establishing more structure (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.119). Some cultures believe change is beneficial because of what is unsure ahead while others believe that change is unnecessary and stay with the status quo. Hofstede create an uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) to judge a cultures attitude toward change. Those countries with a relatively low score have a high tolerance for uncertainty and have minimal rules that govern social conduct and behavior (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.119). Examples of these countries include Jamaica, Denmark and Sweden. Conversely, those with high UAI’s prefer to avoid uncertainty. They try to ensure certainty and safety by rules, regulations and laws. Dissent is not tolerated. Examples of these countries include Greece, Portugal and Guatemala. Mexico has a high score in the UAI (65) (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.121). It is resistant to change, some of it due to the fact that Mexico is a Catholic country which emphasizes structure and that stresses absolute certainties. It can also be attributed to its high masculinity score which will be discussed in this paper.
The third of Hofstede’s dimensions is power distance. Power distance refers to a culture’s views on human equality and the extent on how they view inequalities as good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair. It also judges how a society believes that power should be distributed and if the power holders should be questioned or challenged. Hofstede created a power distance index (PDI) to assess a culture’s location on the power distance dimension. A high PDI means that a culture prefers a large power distance. Examples of the cultures include Arab countries, Guatemala and Malaysia. A low PDI indicates that a culture prefers a small power distance. There should be less social inequality and you should be able to question authority. Examples low PDI’s include Austria, Denmark and Israel. Mexico has a high PDI score (99) (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.124). With a warm climate, large population and unequal distribution of wealth, Mexico fits all the criteria of having a high PDI. Those in power are entitled to privileges and it is normal for those who have power to display it (Segrest, 2003, p.13).
Hofstede’s fourth and fifth dimension’s are masculinity versus femininity, and long-term versus short-term orientation to time. The first refers to whether a culture prefers achievement and assertiveness or nurturance and social support. (Lustig, Koester, 2006, p.125). Does a society prefer the acquisition of wealth or caring for others? Hofstede created a masculinity