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A Gunslinger Build

Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  1,759 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,479 Views

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Since no one has really bothered yet, I have made a gunslinger build which I intend to use. Comments appreciated =)

(this is also intended as a guide. If Relena wishes to make a gunslinger/ninja forum, I wouldn't mind the

stickeh )


Str: 18+4= 22 Based on the average weight capacity of other classes, this should be enough to hold all the gunslinger's equips and the extra things like bullets, cells, flywings, ect. It WILL require slim whites for pots, however)

Agi: 79+1= 80 I don't know what kind of aspd delay the weapons have, but this should be plenty. It will also allow for soloing when the player is using Madness Canceller (over 200 flee).

Vit: 53+1= 54 Every good WoE build needs vit. This should reduce stunning by quite a bit, and allow the player to have a LOT more hp than the average hunter (much like the generic bow rogue).

Int: 22+2= 24 A multiple of 6. This should allow for good sp regen for trigger-happy players.

Dex: 91+9= 100 It may seem low, but you ought to compare the attack power of guns compared to bows. I have chosen not to use Nimble Gloves, because I wish to use a different, non-stat-boosting accessory set.

Luk: 1+7= 8 According to rumor, luk is needed for the Flip The Coin skill. However, I don't think wasting a little extra zeny will hurt. The weapon types I have chosen will not require luk because they are not designed for crits (as far as I know).


Flip The Coin - 5. All gunslingers need this. It's a prerequisite for most of their skills, and it's necessary for the buff-type skills. It works essentially the same way Summon Spirit Sphere does for the monk class.

Fling - 1. I'm really sorry they made this skill, but gunslingers need it since they have a lot less dex than hunters. It kinda kills the point of having a divest rogue around (except for stripping shields and ghostring, etc).

Madness Canceller - 1. A great skill for a gunslinger who wants to sit under a precast and shoot people (no need for moving).

Adjustment - 1. This skill will be needed for soloing. Free mocking, if you will.

Increase Accuracy - 1. Once again, gunslingers will need something to compensate for their low dex. This will let them take out sins, rogues, and the like.

Magical Bullet - 1. I probably could have left this one off, but you never know! It might be convienent when you find yourself out of bullets.

Cracker - 1. Cheap..dirty..oh well! If blacksmiths can stun players and then bash their skulls in, then gunslingers should have equal opportunity.

Single Action - 10. The basic mastery skill for gunslingers.

Snake's Eyes - 10. Woohoo. Not only do you get more hit than you will probably need, but you get the ability to do ranged mammonite! 8D

Disarm - 5. A stupid skill. Even I would be ashamed to use it if the skill actually makes players "drop" their weapon. Perhaps it will just "divest" their weapon (again, I hope it doesn't make divest rogues useless). It is neccessary, though. It would be difficult for me to be in both places at once during WoE to divest weapons AND blow peoples' brains out. Note: This skill requires a hangun or rifle. I would suggest carrying around a simple Six-Shooter or other handgun due to their fast skill aspd.

Dust - 10. Yes! Wonderful skill. Not only is it more powerful than double strafe, but you can probably spam it like mammonite or bash.

Full Buster - 5. Soul Destroyer 1/2. For leveling, this skill should probably be used in conjunction with a priest who can mob dark-type monsters (gunslingers do not have the benefit of elemental bullets except for the holy property Silver Bullet). This skill should work fairly well in PvP. Especially if you use it on the edge of the screen, or spam freezing grenades on everyone first.

Spread Attack - 10. Like Arrow Shower, but better. This should allow the gunslinger to disable a castle's precast group with ease. Aren't you glad gunslingers also have the vit to withstand a cast?

Ground Drift - 8. I wasn't quite sure I wanted this skill until I realized the type of bullets it used. Freezing! Using this, you could essentially spam Freeze Trap all over the emperium or precast area (thus, it is another neutralizer for wizards who don't wear unfrozens). It would also be handy in PvP for setting a trap. Simply find a dark corner, drop your grenades, and hope you can bring an angry mob of people to it before your 24 seconds are up!


+X Maestro Gemmed Sallet/Cap (yeah, that'll be the day, Jahari).

Opera Mask or Maestro Sunnies if I ever get filth rich.

+7 Unfrozen Padded Armor [1]. Heavy, but possible. I will be using it in

conjunction with an Armor Charm to make up for not having a shield.

+7 Immune Manteau/Genie's Mant/Muff. The essential WoE garments.

+7 Shackles. Yay low weight limit! Yay BEEFY ATTACK!

Bloodied Ball 'n Chain. Slow like a zombie; strong like a zombie.

Armor Charm. As stated above: gunslingers need the extra defense because they have no shield.


If you haven't noticed already, I have chosen to use Shotguns and Grenade Launchers for my build.

I considered that the reduced aspd might hurt, but the available active skills like Dust more than make up for that. While the dual-wielding gunslingers execute long fancy moves (much like sonic blow) that deal nice damage, I'll be filing people with buckshot at a much faster rate. The only lack I can see is that shotguns don't have a very good normal attack against other players. They're CERTAINLY great for leveling, though, since you can kill entire mobs using a combination of Full Buster and the shotgun's innate ability to do splash damage.

As for grenade launchers, I chose



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