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A Man For All Seasons

Essay by   •  March 10, 2011  •  1,745 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,945 Views

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Conversation between Thomas More and Richard Rich.

RICH: Well there! 'A friend of Sir Thomas and still no office? There must be something wrong with him.'

MORE: I thought we said friendship...The Dean of St Paul's offers you a post; with a house, a servant and fifty pounds a year.


RICH: It's hard.

MORE (grimly): Be a teacher.

This conversation, as well as the previous one, sets up the contrast between Sir Thomas More and Richard Rich which is prevalent throughout the entire play.

In this opening scene, Rich and More argue over whether or not anyone can be bought. While Rich believes "every man has his price", More refuses to agree

with the notion that everybody could succumb to the temptations of status, power, wealth and women, or the notion of suffering. Rich means to say that men

want to avoid suffering and are therefore attracted to the possibility of escape, and More instantly recognises this idea as one of Machaevelli's. As Machaevelli

is historically understood to have written on the government, and how putting political appropriateness above ethical issues and morality was the sensible

approach to be taken in aquiring status, Rich's corruptibility and the suppression of his conscience is foreshadowed in that Machaevelli's theories both interest

and attract him. More warns Rich of the temptation involved in aquiring a high-ranking job, and offers him an Italian silver cup. The silver cup symbolises More's

attempt to test and teach Rich, and is significant throughout the play as it represents the commencement of Rich's corruptibilty, which eventually escalates into

much more evil and immoral actions later on. The cup also represents the differences in principles and morailty between More and Rich. While More's principles

don't allow him to keep such a "contaminated" object, Rich jumps at the chance of receiving something so valuable for free.

In between this opening conversation with More and the next important step in Rich's complete loss of innocence, and More's own demise, a number of

changes occur in character relationships. Rich and Cromwell's relationship becomes closer and more valuable. More recognises this and assumes Rich no

longer requires More's assistance in aquiring employment. Rich objects to this, claiming he would rather work with More than Cromwell, however More again

refuses Rich a job as he is certain Rich is untrustworthy and to an extent, dangerous. This is obvious in that while More points out to Norfolk that Rich is in

search of employment, he does not "recommend" him. Matthew (More's servant and one representation of the common man), also predicts that Rich will

amount to nothing, but as we see later on, Rich's deception and lack of morality and principles ultimately, and ironically, gets him everything he ever wanted.

More talks to Cardinal Wolsey, the Lord Chancellor, who tries to convince him to approve of King Henry's divorce, but More believes the divorce is unacceptable

without the Pope's consent. Despite Wolsey's warnings of consequences associated with disapproval, More refuses to set aside his beliefs and conform,

giving a clear insight into his belief in staying true to ones self and not conforming to something you don't agree with out of fear. This persona of More

foreshadows his stance on events that come later in the play. More also refuses to allow Roper to marry his daughter Margaret due to Roper's dynamic

religious beliefs, labelling him a heretic, and disapproving of his inability to stay true to the English Church. Rich becomes Norfolk's secretary and librarian, and

Cromwell undermines him for this. Rich admits he isn't really friends with More anymore, which explains why he hasn't yet aquired a better job. However, when

Cromwell offers him employment he declines, showing that he isn't ready to become a walking representation of Machaevelli's theories yet, but later bribes

Matthew for information on More which undermines his morality once again. Chapuys and Cromwell also bribe Matthew for information, which shows how most

of the characters are immoral (especially contrasted to More) and highlights the difficulty More will face in his newly appointed position as Lord Chancellor.

After deceiving More, Rich attempts to convince More to give him a job once again by telling him of Chapuys and Cromwells bribery towards Matthew. More

refuses again and Rich's violent behaviour and badgering spark fright in More's family, who try to convice More to have Rich arrested. More believes the idea

of this is infallible because Rich has not broken the law. King Henry visits More personally in an attempt to receive his approval, as the approval of a man with

such an honest and moral reputation would be sure to make the King feel moral as well. However More is unable to discard his conscience, telling the King:

"This is my right arm. Take your dagger and saw it from my shoulder, and I will laugh and be thankful, if by that means I can come with Your Grace with a clear

conscience". Once again he is portrayed as a man of irrefutable morality, in that he won't approve of something he believes is wrong by the law, or

unacceptable by God.

CROMWELL: ...Well, congratulations!


RICH: ....You enjoyed it!

In this Dialogue between Rich and Cromwell at The Loyal Subject, Cromwell bribes Rich with the position of "Collector of Revenues for York" in return for

information. Rich is subtly coerced into admitting he will be bought, which pleases Cromwell in that he was relying on Rich's corruptibility for information on

More. Cromwell seeks Rich's help in making the King's divorce "convenient", and despite Rich's "laments" over his own corruptibility, he informs Cromwell of the

bribe More once received. Cromwell believes More will change his stance on the King's divorce, but Rich objects, saying More will not be easily frightened.

While Rich represents how one can sacrifice their own moral conscience



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