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A Pet Can Help You To Live Longer

Essay by   •  December 17, 2010  •  823 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,525 Views

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A Pet Can Help You to Live Longer

Animals have played a significant role in human customs, legends, and religions throughout history. "Primitive people found that human- animal relationships were important to their very survival, and petkeeping was common in hunter-gatherer societies" (Anderson et al., 1987). It is impossible to determine when the use of animals was used specifically to promote physical and psychological health. However, the use of horseback riding for people with serious disabilities has been reported for centuries. Records show that at the York Retreat, in England 1792, in an attempt to reduce the use of harsh drugs and restraints animals were incorporated into the treatment for mental patients. In 1919 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., a letter to Superintendent Dr. W.A. White from Secretary of the Interior F.K. Lane suggested the use of dogs as companions for the psychiatric hospital's residents. From 1944 to 1945 at an Army Air Corps Convalescent Hospital at Pawling, New York was the earliest known extensive use of companion animals. Farm animals were used with patients that were recovering from war experiences. After the war, they began to use animals in outpatient psychotherapy. During the 1970's, case studies were reported of animals facilitating therapy with children and senior citizens. In our own time the urban population's often unsatisfied need for intimacy, and contact with nature may reflect the great increase in pet ownership.

According to the article Live Longer- Own a Pet, no author, stated "the US Department of Health concluded that pets increased the survival rate of heart attack victims. The study revealed that 28% of heart patients with pets survived serious heart attacks, compared to only 6% of heart patients without pets." Medical studies on the human-animal bond reveal that pet owners are more likely to have reduced stress levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Now that we know adults benefit from pet ownership how does having a pet impact our children. Pet ownership is an excellent way to teach children about responsibility. Other attributes children receive when owning a pet include companionship, intimacy, nurturance, love and affection. The Ontario Veterinary Medical Association stated that a study of 394 US university students revealed that those who had owned a pet were more self-confident than those who did not. Of course children's relationships with animals are unique and different from their relationships with others in their social world, but the relationships are typically complementary to each other.

On the other end of the spectrum, pets, on occasion, can give germs and parasites that can make a person sick. Due to the good hygiene and veterinary care animal transmitted diseases are rare in the United States. My intention is not to make anyone fearful of owning animals but it has happened where pets and livestock have passed on to humans according to Ron Hines who wrote Diseases People Catch from their Pets hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, microscopic single-celled organisms, virus', most everyone has heard of the west nile virus, bacterial diseases such as salmonella, tick borne diseases, you may have heard of lyme disease, or a fungi which could be a ringworm just to name a few. Living life to the fullest has its risks



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