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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Essay by   •  December 17, 2010  •  576 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,292 Views

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A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

This landscape has two mountains in the background. You can sense the clear weather next to you. They are very big mountains. It makes you feel adventurous. It feels like you are in a national park. The mountains appear to have snow or rocks on one of them and grass on the other. The mountains have a few colors but one of the main colors seems to be a light brownish color.

In front of the mountains is a big forest. Some of the trees there are small skinny ones, while others are large a very thick. The trees to the left of you are very dark, while the trees towards the middle seem to be lighter in color. You can faintly hear little kids laughing and playing beyond them. Towards the front is a patch of grass, which stands out from the rest of the grass there. Next to the patch is a larger sized lake. In that lake you can hear people getting ready to swim. You can hear them splashing and having fun. It seems like you can even smell the clean smelling lake water. Little mosquitoes seem to be closing in on the people's food for their picnic.

Closer towards you, you can see several patches of land. On the main patch of land, you can see several little trees just waving in the breeze. One tree seems to be bigger than all the others. As with the trees before some of them are lighter, like the ones in the middle, compared to the other ones. You can see somebody on a lawn chair just enjoying the breeze and the lake. He seems to be fishing.

Speaking of fish there seems to be fish everywhere. You can see them in the waterfall next to you. You can also see them in the water right in front of you.

Some of them are dead, while the others are lively. You actually see one of them jump up in the air sprinkling water everywhere



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