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A Slice Of Lemon

Essay by   •  April 20, 2011  •  768 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,337 Views

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Of the numerous theories and explanations for our origins and the world around us, such as evolution and creation by a higher power, my beliefs are a mixture of evolution and my own theory. First of all, nature favours entropy. That being said, I believe the universe, our world, and the first life on it, all began due to a chance combination of the basic elements that just happened to have a sufficient amount of energy to explode and start the universe as it is now. The same thing happened to create the planets, which would also explain at least partially why we have solid planets like Earth, and gas planets like Jupiter. And once again, the first life was a chance combination that was sufficient to begin living. However unlikely these combinations might be, they aren't impossible, which is the key.

After the creation of life, it began to evolve as necessary, through both random mutations and necessity, eventually becoming larger and more complex. I don't believe we are too complicated to have been created without the help of an omnipotent being because DNA acted as the blueprint that made sure everything went as planned. The more complicated life today, be it humans, cats, or pine trees, all have a sort of assembly line to how they are put together, always being done in the same way, and every time something becomes more complicated, another piece is added to the line. As a result, it becomes simple because each "worker" on the assembly line, each gene, has one specific job. Every strand of DNA and every gene on it does not help every other gene create the being as a whole; it creates a single part of it. But not everything can be an exact replica of the thing before it, and that's how evolution occurs, and how people evolved from apes. It's like painting a copy of, for example, the Mona Lisa. While it could be very, very similar, it can never be exactly the same, and there will be small variations. If that variation just happened to look better, another person in the future may try to copy it, and the process would repeat itself until eventually the Mona Lisa becomes a painting of a banana wrapped in a blanket, and it's virtually unrecognizable as what it once was. However, if that original variation proved unfavourable, the artist might destroy the painting, and it will be as if it had never existed.

But, just like we and our universe were created by a chance combination of things much smaller than we are, I believe we're in turn the very small parts of something



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