A Story from Discipline Training at Naval Academy, Bumimoro, Surabaya
Essay by Musthafa Kamal • December 21, 2017 • Essay • 848 Words (4 Pages) • 1,002 Views
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A Story from Discipline Training at Naval Academy, Bumimoro, Surabaya
Well, bismillahirrohanirrohim my name is Musthafa Kamal, I’m in my 3rd semester in my bachelor degree of English Education Major in STKIP Al Hikmah. Yesterday, for more exact 27-28 October, I and my friends from the 3rd and 4th batch and some of the older generation went to the Naval Academy at Bumimoro, to attend the discipline training and to know the daily life of Taruna.
Well, it was a great experience to have, because I met so many new things that I don’t even though it was there. I mean, my expectation before going to the Naval Academy was changed after staying there for only 2 days and a night. We arrived there at 9 a.m. Friday, and the Taruni (the girl students) was welcoming us and prepared the opening ceremony for the training. After that, we had some time to have snack, and the interesting thing is here. We do the ceremony to eat the snack, just like the Taruna, to eat in one commando, and to sit next to the other, and literally back-to-back. After having snack, we prepared for the outbound in the lake; the dragon boat.
After Asr prayer, we attend the dragon boat training. But not only training, it was also a competition between the groups. We worked together to row the boat, and it needs a really coordinated work. If the person who sit in the front and the back do not row in the same moment, it will destroy the momentum for the boat to launch. Well it was a bad activity, because we did it in the lake of the waste from all of the Surabaya city, that means may be our waste or even our feces was there! LOL.
After having the dragon boat competition, we had the art exhibition by the Taruna and Taruni. Actually it was only a fashion show, that the Taruni showed the formal uniforms of Taruna and Taruni. Unfortunately, I was sick at the night, so I didn’t attend the art exhibition.
After that, in the morning we have a small jogging, running around the messes and do some physical training such as push up and sit up. After that, we did some recreation with Mrs. Afrida, the -I don’t know exactly- high major major in the Naval Academy. After that, we had seminar in the night with the -I still don’t know who- high major in the Naval Army, about the leadership and the knowledge of maritime. After that, we went home to the beloved ma ’had, and started to sleep all the time after the discipline training.
One thing that I commit after having the training is to be discipline, as the slogan of the Nava Academy; Discipline, Hierarchy, and the honorability of Military.
Cerita dari Pelatihan Disiplin di Akademi Angkatan Laut, Bumimoro, Surabaya
Nah, bismillahirrohanirrohim namaku Musthafa Kamal, aku di semester ke-3 dalam jenjang S1 jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di STKIP Al Hikmah. Kemarin, untuk lebih tepatnya 27-28 Oktober, saya dan teman-teman saya dari angkatan ke-3 dan ke-4 dan beberapa generasi yang lebih tua pergi ke Akademi Angkatan Laut di Bumimoro, untuk mengikuti pelatihan disiplin dan untuk mengetahui kehidupan sehari-hari Taruna.
Nah, itu adalah pengalaman yang hebat untuk dimiliki, karena saya bertemu banyak hal baru yang saya tidak melakukannya meski ada di sana. Maksud saya, harapan saya sebelum pergi ke Akademi Angkatan Laut berubah setelah tinggal di sana hanya dalam 2 hari dan satu malam. Kami tiba di sana pada jam 9 pagi hari Minggu, dan Taruni (siswa perempuan) menyambut kami dan menyiapkan upacara pembukaan untuk pelatihan ini. Setelah itu, kami sempat bersenang-senang, dan yang menarik ada disini. Kami melakukan upacara makan camilan, sama seperti Taruna, makan satu komando, dan duduk di sebelah yang lain, dan benar-benar back-to-back. Setelah makan kudapan, kami bersiap untuk keluar di danau; perahu naga