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Abolish Capital Punishment

Essay by   •  March 23, 2016  •  Creative Writing  •  405 Words (2 Pages)  •  819 Views

Essay Preview: Abolish Capital Punishment

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Literature Review


Gay marriage has been an issue that has become a huge discussion in America today. There are people that are for gay marriage and against it. In this literature Review I will discuss those people who are for gay marriage and those who are not. Obama and Romney have different
views on gay marriage; I will discuss both of their views on the
 topic. There are people that are for gay marriage and against it, there are also some states that have passed gay marriage laws and other states that have not, and the 2012 presidential election has also become a part of this big issue with gay marriage. With gay marriage having two different sides to it, this literature review will focus on three questions on the topic gay marriage. Gay marriage should not be permitted. Many people often justify their opposition to gay marriage with reference to their religious beliefs. It rejects natural law created by God. The bible says that lesbian and gay parenting is a sin. Homosexual couples cannot procreate. Lesbianism and gayness is perceived as a threat to children. The family lives of lesbian and gay people have been a source of controversy during the past decade. Despite prejudice and discrimination, lesbians and gay men have often succeeded in creating and sustaining family relationships.¡± Journal of Marriage and the Family, Nov2000, Vol62, pg1052. There are a million gay couples living together. Allowing gays to marry will further degrade the already struggling institution of marriage. Focusing on the debate over same-sex marriage, Lehr argues that current attempts at reform are an inadequate means for reconstituting the power structures that silence and subordinate gay and lesbian individuals and the intimate relationships they forge. Providing a convincing argument for a radical democratic approach, Lehr encourages readers to question the values and assumptions underlying conventional gay politics. In doing so, Lehr challenges us to widen our vision of "family" in ways that address the complex concerns of not only gay and lesbian families, but all forms of intimate relationships.’’ Journal of Marriage and the Family, May 2001; Vol. 63, Is. 2; pg. 596.
There is also a Defense of Marriage Act which the state does not recognize same sex marriages. In conclusion, marriage between a man and a woman forms the foundation for civilized society. Extending the definition of marriage to include same sex unions undermines the true meaning of traditional family.



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