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Essay by   •  December 22, 2010  •  942 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,314 Views

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Americans face many political problems today. Whether it is same sex marriage to saving Darfur or the war on Iraq, but one main political problem is the issue of abortion. Abortion divides the country into two parts, one is the people who support this act and the other is the people who disapprove of the issue but who is truly right? Many people say abortion shouldn't be legal because a newborn should be a blessing not a burden where an irresponsible parent decides not to have the baby anymore. People who support abortion take a whole different perspective on the issue. Parents who are unable to support the child rather not have it then let the child be born into a world of suffering, or take a rape victim who becomes pregnant and does not want the child anymore because the child came into the world by accident. The whole issue of abortion started in the Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade in Texas.

In the Supreme Court case Roe, who was a women who was unmarried and was pregnant due to rape who wanted to get an abortion but according to Texas's law it was illegal to do so. She fought for the right to get abortion legalized but it was a matter of life and death of the baby, they had to decide when the baby(fetus) would be consider a human being during the time of pregnancy. Roe was in a dilemma she didn't want to have the baby because she was raped but according to Texas law it was illegal, she decided to bring this case to the courts. It was ruled that the fetus would become viable after 28 weeks so after this period the mother is unable to get an abortion unless the pregnancy dangers the life of the mother. Abortion is a major concern in American now, there are many underage teens that are pregnant cannot get help because they are scared to let anyone know.

Pregnancy and abortion always comes up in political debates and depending on the president that is how his/her view would shift. President George W. Bush is against abortion because it conflicts with his religion Christianity. Many people believe that abortion should be legalized because it is freedom of choice of the mother to have the baby or not. One of the main reasons that abortion was legalized in Texas was because to deny someone the ability to get an abortion violates a constitutional right of privacy under the fourteenth amendment.

This legendary case led to many deciding factors in American life, first of all it help set the sides of pro-life versus pro-choice. The pro-life is a group or activist who fight against human cloning, research involving human embryonic stem cells, death penalty, euthanasia and of course abortion. These individuals or groups help fight for the rights of the unborn baby which they believe should be protected even though they haven't been born yet. While the pro-choice side believes that the choice is your is you want to keep the baby or not they emphasize the "freedom of choice" of the people. The pro-life side believes that if you are not ready for a baby you should use contraceptives to try to prevent pregnancy they also believe that in certain circumstances a person is allowed abortion like rape.

Abortion is now seen as baby genocide,



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