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Essay by   •  December 26, 2010  •  1,043 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,255 Views

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Abortion means the "intentional destruction of a fetus or the inducing of a premature expulsion from the womb to cause death." Abortion is a major issue in the world today. People in many countries have abortions each year even if it is going against their religion. There are many arguments for and against abortion. There are a lot of people that are for abortion. People that are for abortion are often labeled Pro-Choice groups. These include The National Abortion Campaign Lobby. Pro-Choice groups believe that it is the right of any woman to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes. Groups which are Pro-Choice believe that abortion should be made legal and be offered to all women. People who make arguments for abortion say that the embryo in the womb is not an actual human being. This argument is based on the belief that the embryo is just a cluster of cells, which is not a person but only has the potential to be a human being.

People that are for abortion also believe that a woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes. This argument is based on the belief that a woman has absolute right over her own body. In this argument the embryo in the womb is not considered to have any rights whatsoever. People that for abortion also believe that abortion should be legalized to stop unsafe and unsanitary back street abortions. This is one of the strongest arguments for abortion. In modern day society girls can get abortions anywhere if they really wish. These back street abortions are very dangerous and could maybe even lead to the mother dying as well as the child dying. So for this reason Pro-Choice groups believe abortions should be allowed. People that are for abortion believe that a woman may not have the facilities and the money to raise a child. This argument is based on the fact that bringing up a child can be a financial problem. Pro Choice believe that if a mother feels she will not be able to care for the child then it is irresponsible on her part to bring a child into the world.

People that are for abortion believe that abortion should be accepted because a woman might have become pregnant as the result of rape or her life is at risk if she has the child. Pro Choice argue that it is unfair to force mother to go through the

trauma of pregnancy to have a child which will make her feel hurt as it will remind her of the rape. Pro choice groups also argue that if a mothers life is at risk then she shouldn't have to go through with pregnancy because it would leave any other children she has motherless. The people that are for abortion believe that abortion should be accepted when the child maybe born with physical or mental abnormality. This argument is based on a warped value system that says that a person with a mental or physical handicap is worth less than a person who has no disability.

There are also many arguments against abortion. Groups, which, are staunchly against abortion, are called Pro-Life groups. They include such groups are CURA and SPUC. These groups recognize the value of all human life, including the unborn child. These groups try to provide as much support as they can for mothers

before and after the birth of the child. Below are some reasons why they are so strongly against abortion. People that are for abortion believe that human life is sacred. The Pro-Life argument is that all human life is sacred. They believe

that this life begins from the moment of conception and anything that takes away this life is like murder. If it is wrong to kill a baby of 2 months, in the eyes of Pro-Life people it is equally wrong to kill a two-month-old embryo. They see every human life both within the womb and out of the womb as sacred and from God. People against abortion believe that the child should not be punished for its parent's irresponsibility.

The Pro-Life argument here is based on the embryos right to life not according to the situation that their parents find themselves in. If the conception



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