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Abortion: a tabulation of available data on the frequency and mortality of unsafe abortion.

1990. Geneva: WHO. 115p.

Call No.: H 520 WOR.

Bruyn, Maria de. 2003. Violence, Pregnancy and Abortion Issues of Women's Rights and Public Health: A Review of Worldwide Data and Recommendations for Action. NC : IPAS. 73p.

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Abortion then and now: creative responses to restricted access. 1989. Washington DC:

National Women's Health Network. 110p.

Call No.: H 520 NAT.

Against unsafe abortion: educating rural communities about health implications of unsafe abortion: workshop photographs & newspaper clips. 1999. Kathmandu: CREHPA. 26p.

Call No.: H 525 AGA.

Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women . 2002. Report of proceedings on the Regional Workshop on Strengthening Strategic Planning for Advocacy: Improving Abortion Access, 29 Ð'- 31 July 2002, Renaissance Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya, Malaysia. Internal report. Kuala Lumpur: Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women [ARROW]. 85p.

Call No.:

Baird, Robert M. & Rosenbaum, Stuart E. (Ed.). 1993. The Ethics of abortion: pro-life vs. pro-choice. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. 272p.

Call No.: H 520 BAI.

Balasubrahmanyan, Vimal. 1986. Contraception as if women mattered: a critique of family planning. Bombay: Centre for Education and Documentation. 94p.

Call No.: P 290 BAL.

Balchin, Casandra., Mumtaz, Khawar. & Shaheed, Farida. 1994. The Woman not the womb: population control vs. women's reproductive rights. Lahore Cantt: Shirkat Gah.


Call No.: H 650 BAL.

Bartlett, Jane. 1994. Will you be a mother?: women who choose to say no. London: Virago.


Call No.: H 510 BAR.

Benson, Janie. [et. al]. 1992. Meeting women's needs for post-abortion family planning: framing the questions. North Carolina: IPAS. 69p.

Call No.: H 520 BEN.

Boland, Reed. & Rahman, Anika. (Ed.). 1997. Promoting reproductive rights: a global mandate. New York: Center for Reproductive Law and Policy. 48p.

Call No.: H 660 BOL.

Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities [CREHPA]. 2002. Building support for preventing unsafe abortion in Nepal: saving women's lives.

Kathmandu : Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities [CREHPA]. v.p.

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Curtis, Lindsay R., Cutis, Glade B. & Beard, Mary K. 1986. My body-my decision!: what

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Call No.: H 110 CUR.

Danguilan, Marilen J. 1993. Making choices in good faith: a challenge to the Catholic

Church's teachings on sexuality and contraception. Quezon City: Woman Health Philippines.

160 p.

Call No.: H 530 DAN.

De La Fuente, Martha. (Ed.). 1994. Abortion: we shall no longer be silent about it! Amsterdam: WGNRR. 78p.

Call No.: H 525 DEL.

Donnellan, Craig. (Ed.). 1995. Abortion and euthanasia. Cambridge: Independence.

40 p.

Call No.: H 520 DON.

Emiyanti, Sri. [et. al]. 1997. Aborsi: sikap dan tindakan paramedis. Yogyakarta: Pusat

Penelitian Kependudukan, Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Ford Foundation. 51p.

Call No.: H 521 EMI.

Ewing, Christine. 1992. Manufacturing babies: what reproductive technologies mean to

women. Canberra: National Women's Consultative Council. 23 p.

Call No.: H 600 EWI.

Freely, Maureen & Pyper, Celia. 1993. Pandora's clock: understanding our fertility - the choices we face over contraception, pregnancy, genetic screening, abortion and infertility. London: Heinemann. 274p.

Call No.: H 110 FRE.

Fried, Marlene Gerber. (Ed.). 1990. From abortion to reproductive freedom: transforming a movement. Boston: South End Press. 317p.

Call No.: H 520 FRI.

Handwerker, W. Penn. (Ed.). 1990. Births and power: social change and the politics of reproduction. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 227p.

Call No.: H 110 HAN.

Hartmann, Betsy. 1987. Reproductive rights and wrongs: the global politics of population

control and contraceptive choice. New York: Harper & Row. 368p.

Call No.: H 530 HAR.

Jacobson, Jodi L. 1990. The Global politics of abortion. Washington DC: Worldwatch Institute. 69p.

Call No.: H 520 JAC.

Jimenez-David, Rina. [et. al]. (Eds.). 1994. The Journal of reproductive health, rights and



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