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Adhd In Children

Essay by   •  October 30, 2010  •  1,899 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,693 Views

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Most people have heard of the term Attention Deficit Hyperactive (ADHD) disorder. "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that interferes with an individual's ability to attend to tasks (inattention), inhibits one's behavior (impulsivity), and may interfere with a person's ability to regulate one's activity level (hyper-activity) in developmentally appropriate ways (Barkley 19)". The most important job for teachers and parents is to separate fact from fiction, to clarify what we know and don't know.

Properly diagnosing ADHD, medication choices, and behavioral interventions are the key focal point. Is medication truly worth the side effects?

Diagnosing ADHD

As the name implies, ADHD is typically characterized by two distinct sets of symptoms: inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity. Although these problems usually occur together, one may be present without the other and still qualify for an ADHD diagnosis. Children are diagnosed with ADHD when they have met specific guidelines within these two categories.

A number of parents observe signs of inattentiveness, restlessness, and impulsivity in their child even before their child starts school. The child might lose attention while playing a game or watching TV, or the child might dash about totally unrestrained. Since children mature at different levels and vary in character, nature, and energy levels, it is critical to obtain a specialist's diagnosis of whether the behavior is suitable for the child's age, the child has ADHD or the child is simply immature or uncommonly high-spirited.

To qualify as having ADHD, the symptoms must significantly affect a child's ability to function at home and at school. A diagnosis is based on the guidelines provided in the "American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) published in 1994 (Barkley 133)". In general, children are diagnosed with ADHD if they show at least six symptoms from each category. Dr. Berkley lists the following symptoms for each category:


* Often fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities

* Often has trouble sustaining attention during tasks or play

* Often doesn't seem to listen when spoken to directly

* Often doesn't follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores or other tasks

* Often has difficulty organizing tasks or activities

* Often avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as schoolwork or homework

* Often loses things needed for tasks or activities, such as books, pencils, toys or tools

* Is often easily distracted

* Is often forgetful

Hyperactivity - impulsivity

* Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat

* Often leaves seat in the classroom or in other situations where remaining seated is expected

* Often runs or climbs excessively when it's not appropriate, or, if an adolescent might constantly feel restless

* Often has difficulty playing quietly

* Is often "on the go" or acts as if "driven by a motor"

* Often talks excessively

* Often blurts out the answers before questions have been completely asked

* Often has difficulty waiting his or her turn

* Often interrupts or intrudes on others by butting into conversations or games (Barkley 133-134)


Medications have been utilized to treat the symptoms of ADHD for decades. The medications that appear to be the most efficient and most prescribed are a class of drugs branded as stimulants. The methylphenidate classes of medications such as Concerta®, Ritalin® and Ritalin SR® /LA® are "nervous stimulants that help increase attention and decrease impulsivity in individuals with ADHD ("Prescription Medication Overview")". Research done at Brookhaven National Laboratory has show that people taking stimulant medication in its prescribed form do not become addicted or abuse the medication.

Concerta® is a time-release formulation with treatment lasting 12 hours. Some of the side effects for this medication include headache, stomach pain, sleeplessness, and decreased appetite ("Prescription Medication Overview")". Additionally, this mediation often takes up to four weeks to realize its full effect. Some benefits are only a single daily dose is required, it increases attention span, helps with on task work, and assists with controlling hyperactive symptoms. Ritalin® is given two or three times daily and is a fast acting medication that is quickly assimilated and used by the body. Ritalin SR® and Ritalin LA®, have longer durations of approximately 8 hours and therefore requires only one dose daily. Side effects for the Ritalin line include "nervousness, stomach pain, sleeplessness, and decreased appetite ("Prescription Medication Overview")". Benefits of the Ritalin® are a fast acting potential, increases attention span, help with on task work, and assists with controlling hyperactive symptoms.

Additionally, other side effects seen in methylphenidate, which is the active ingredient in both Concerta® and the Ritalin® line, may include; "nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tics, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure and psychosis (Prescription Medication Overview)".

The newest medication approved by The U.S. Food and Drug Administrations is not a stimulant. This new drug is Strattera®. Strattera® is a "selective norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter and reuptake inhibitor ("Strattera")". This differs from the stimulants which predominantly work on dopamine. Both of these neurotransmitters are assumed to play a part in ADHD. Additional studies will have to be made to distinguish Strattera® from other medications that are already available. Evidence as of the present loosely



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