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Adolf Hitler and Fransico Franco

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Alyssa McNeil


English 11


Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco

Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco are two dictators. They both have many similarities and many differences. The differences are shown by the way they led their countries. They both had strong dictatorship because of the way their country was led until they died.

Many people probably have asked what the history is of a dictatorship. A dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and civil liberties.(Encylopaedia Britannica)” The decline and disappearance in the 19th and 20th centuries of monarchies based on hereditary descent, dictatorship became one of the two chief forms of government in use by nations throughout the world, the other being constitutional democracy.” (Encyclopaedia Britannica) My opinion for this quote is how the word dictator had a different meaning than what we know it as today. The word dictator was created for the Roman senate in 510 B.C. for taking care of rebellions.

Key points to a strong dictatorship is having a military based country. Hitler had a strong dictatorship because he separated the Jews and put them in a concentration camps. He also rebuilt the German military with clear defiance of the Versailles Treaty. The Atlantic wall was built under Hitler's orders, the wall stretched all the way from Norway, along the Belgium and French coastline to the Spanish border. Hitler had the wall built because he was afraid of Allied attacks on the Nazis. Franco started the Spanish Civil War because of a military revolt against the Republican government of Spain. What helped Franco and Hitler become strong dictators is that they became allies with each other to help with World War II.

Adolf Hitler led Germany from 1934 to 1945. Hitler was called to chancellorship to head a coalition government of Nazis on January 30,1933. While Hitler was in power about 6 million people were killed because of the Holocaust. “Under this act and with the help of a mysterious fire in the Reichstag building, he rapidly eliminated his political rivals and brought all levels of government and major political institutions under his control.” (Encyclopedia of World Biography) After the death of President Hindenburg it cleared the way for the abolition of the presidential title. Hitler came into full power of Germany and commander in chief of the armed forces until August 1934.

Francisco Franco ruled as dictator in Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975. Franco rose to power during the Spanish Civil War. “Adopting the title of “El Caudillo” (The Leader), Franco persecuted political opponents, repressed the culture and language of Spain’s Basque and Catalan regions, censured the media and otherwise exerted absolute control over the country.“ (Francisco Franco) Franco made ties with Nazi Germany to help with the Spanish Civil War. Within a few months of the Spanish Civil War Franco became head of the Nationalist government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

In my opinion Hitler was more powerful than Franco. Hitler



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