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Adsense Arbitrage

Essay by   •  December 3, 2010  •  8,706 Words (35 Pages)  •  1,748 Views

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Adsense Arbitrage - Sttiillll Alivve And Well...

"Learn How Michael Plante

Made $4,515 In Adsense

Commission In Just Over

1 Month -With Absolutely

No Success In The Past!"

Keyword Elite Case Study #1

Keyword Elite User: Michael Plante

Earnings Method: Adsense Arbitrage

Keyword Elite

Case Study #1

Disclaimer: No portion of this report can be edited

and/or sold as an individual product.You may only brand

this report and/or give it away for free or as a bonus

along side one of your own products.

To the best of my knowlege, the information contained in

this report is true and accurate and was gathered from

personal experiences. In no way is Brad Callen, Bryxen

Software, Inc, or Michael Plante liable for any results of

using the information contained in this report.


2 KEYWORD EELLIITTEE CASSEE SSTTUDYY #1 Adsensse Arrbiittrrage -- Sttill Alivve And Well...


KEEYYWORD EELLIITTEE CASSEE SSTTUDYY #1 Adsensse Arrbiittrrage -- Sttill Alive And Welll... 3

And here's a screenshot of the small Adwords expenses that were

incurred to earn the $4,515.21 shown above:

I don't know about you, but I'll gladly trade $1,150.17 for $4,515.21

any day of the week!

I don't want to waste any time with "filler", but before I can dive into

the meat of this special Case Study, I need to lay a bit of foundation

for you, so that you'll understand the rest of the guide.

Ok, first thing's first... Michael Plante made close to $5,000 from

Google Adsense. I'm going to assume that you know what Google

Adsense is. If not, go here to read about how you can earn money via

their system:

It's basically Google's way of displaying their "Adwords Ads" on other

websites (your websites) across the internet. Below is someone's

website that is displaying Google Adsense ads. When a visitor clicks

on one of those ads, the owner of the website gets paid a small

percentage of the cost that the advertiser is paying Google for each

click. See below:


4 KEYWORD EELLIITTEE CASSEE SSTTUDYY #1 Adsensse Arrbiittrrage -- Sttill Alivve And Well...

Michael sent traffic to his website via Google Adwords (shown

below). These are the ads on the right hand side of Google that you

pay per click to receive traffic. See below:


KEEYYWORD EELLIITTEE CASSEE SSTTUDYY #1 Adsensse Arrbiittrrage -- Sttill Alive And Welll... 5

So, essentially, Michael set up an article on his website that displayed

high paying Adsense ads. He then sent visitors to that page via

Google Adwords for less money than he was earning from Google


This method of generating Adsense income is called "Google

Arbitrage". So there's your solid foundation. Let's get to the meat


Recently, a forum post popped up in the Keyword Elite member's

forum. A user stated they were testing out a method of making

money with Google Adsense, in conjunction with Google Adwords.

The post sounded very intriguing to me. While I had heard and

dabbled a bit with the technique mentioned in the post, it intrigued

me because the post was basically a well structured test. The word I

want you to note is "test". I'm quite a testing fanatic, so when I hear

that someone is running an actual test and is planning on sharing

their results; I'm all ears... every time, and you should be as well.

Anyway, several days went by and I noticed that the user was posting

his progress very regularly in the forum and was achieving incredible

results. So, this is the basis for the special report/case study that

you're about to read.

Pay close attention because the strategies in this report are real...

NOT theory. This is a real test, ran by a real person, who has gotten

and is still getting fantastic, real results. There's nothing better than

this folks.

This report will be a bit different than any other report you've read

in the past. I have simply copied and pasted Michael's entire strategy

into this report. These are his exact words that came directly from

the Keyword Elite member's forum, and not my paraphrasing, to




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