Adults and Today’s Education
Essay by sterben • March 11, 2017 • Thesis • 1,892 Words (8 Pages) • 1,336 Views
During the early times, students are paragon of virtues. They are self-conscious individuals with incalculable value in themselves. As moral, they are endowed with a free will, which searches for the good and whose motive force is love. Christian education confined itself to the training of converts, clergy and children because the church realized that the reform of society could only come about through transformation of the individuals. During the time of Jesus, he taught not only a moral revolution in the individual but revolution in the society as well. His kingdom had no geographical bounds, but was a kingdom in the heart of man. As Lacuesta, et al . (1986) stated the primary aim of early Christian education was the moral regeneration of the individual.
Throughout history, adults have often bemoaned the decline in the younger generation’s values and moral character. At no time, however, have changes in technology, personal lifestyles, geopolitics, and the global environment occurred with such rapidity. In time of accelerated social, political and economic changes, nations and civilization have come and gone (Kirschenbaum, 1995). Today many are concerned that the changing values of society, which these youth tends reflect, are both a symptom and a cause of serious national decline.
Certainly, the problems were not created by young people but are a reflection of an adult society, which has often lost its own sense of values and its commitment to youth. Values and goals of society, inevitably, are reflected in the schools. Where the educators are called upon to help achieve society’s broader goals.
Masters (1993) once stressed that as we approach the third millennium, technologically advanced society faces a crisis. Never before has so much been known about such an amazing array of natural things. This crisis reflects a growing tension between our unprecedented scientific knowledge and popular opinions about the world and human history.
Miranda (1992) asked the following questions: what motivate students? What are their dreams, aspirations and goals? There many ways of formulating these questions and various ways of considering them in depth. Studies dealing with values located these items such as money, prominence and political power, success in school and happiness, morality, dignity, respect, honor, solidarity, care and so on.
Today’s education is faced with many challenges as schools keep at pace with the fast changing world. The learners encountered many perplexing situation brought about by plethora of challenges: breakdown of family life which is the pinnacle of alarming conditions, moral degenerations, coldness to religion, frivolity and mediocrity of ideas, and compelling influence of peers. No matter how to direct life to straight, in the middle of it, they die, lose a leg, fall in love, and drop a jar of animosity. Students’ attitude and behavior are now malady to teachers who find great misfortunes when it comes to discipline. Their manner and disposition play havoc with the pressure from the little battles in everyday life. They carry on to different convictions and appalled in sudden turns and twists. Many times they fall, discouraged and afraid to take a constant struggle (ad continuum. 1999). These are but few manifestation of their rebellious attitudes and behavior, which become transparent in the school and in the society where they belong.
Students of today are confronted with so many values but they have difficulty in choosing those that will meet their own unique psychological needs and desires. Human needs constitute not only objects, other persons, above all is God (stumf, 1983).
A thing has value when it is perceived as good and desirable. Food, money and housing have vale because they are perceived good, and desire to acquire them influences attitudes and behavior. De Vito (2003) stressed that a value is an organized system of attitudes. It provides an individual with guidelines for behavior. It directs ones behavior so that the consistent with the achievement of goals. When society has a values conflict also as they try to reconcile the conflicting demands placed upon them.
Human values are necessary, as Gorospe (1988) emphasized to understand values education and Filipino values. The significance of Filipino values is to transfer the values to build a more just and humane society.
The school is regarded as the main repository of knowledge, ideals and values. These knowledge, ideals and values are not to be piled up; however, it should be inculcated in the minds of the young. The school, the next home, is an institution where students learn habits, skill, values and a place to sparkle minds for a clear outlook in life. Whereas, the schools serves as the training ground for good citizenship imbued in moral with moral percepts of society. For reason, it is clearly stated by the Constitution in Article XIV, section 3 (2), as follows.
“they (schools) shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen critical and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, promote vocational efficiency”
The family has long been, and still is recognized as the foremost essential institution for the preservation of society and for the attainment of the common good of every individual and yet, or perhaps because of this, the family has been subjected to all kinds of assault from different sources in the course of time. However, in spite of the recognition of the family’s natural rights and in the spite of the written and unwritten laws of protecting the family, there have always been organizations, associations and individuals who have succeeded in making the family (Rafols, 1993).
Major thinkers have recognized the educational value of intellectual exploration and of concrete of experimentation. Though how compelling it would seem, a very significant factor in education in our country today is the values of the students.
The researcher has observed that high school students of Urdaneta City are prone to undesirable behaviors and attitudes that would lead them to failures in life. One of the many reasons has something to do with it many appealing places for recreation within its perimeter. Among these are elegant establishments like the mall, fascinating, cinemas. Computer centers, bowling and billiard hall, cozy restaurants, clean and spacious resorts, fabulous disco houses and a lot more.