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Advance Marketing Research

Essay by   •  September 9, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  1,354 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,014 Views

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Chapter 5 Data Analysis, Results and Discussion

5.1. Sample profile

A simple random sampling method was used to collect data from the respondents. The sample size was 100. Based on this research study, the target sample is focus on male and female  consumers who are students of different B schools. The participants are target at age’s range 21 to 32 years old for completing the questionnaires. There were 102 people who completed the questionnaires.

The profile of the targeted sample is of students who spend most of their time online-browsing through web for studies, watching videos online and early adopters who like to try new things. The sample people form representative for most of population of India and very much behave in the same manner. They download songs, search random things based on their interests , do shopping , try new things on internet, watch ads, watch online TV shows and look for very stuffs either related to amusements, studies, software which leads them to come across  various ads online.

Majority of the sample people are the B school students and are intelligent buyers who looks for various options before spending on anything and mainly search of those stuffs online. So its very common for them to see various things online as almost all pages have advertisements in some forms either in video format ,text format or image.

Products for which the study is concerned is FMCG products. Being short selling products these items don’t require much information gathering but stills if a person come across an ad of these product might get to know about even if he or she has not known it before.

So the sample is apt for the study of the influence of online advertisements on brand visibility of FMCG products.

5.2. Statistical analysis techniques (Descriptive/Inferential).

The research purpose is to study on online marketing channel influence on the FMCG products brand visibility and sales. All a questionnaire’s data were collected from the survey (direct survey). We used SPSS software to analyse the data that collected from the respondents. However, Microsoft Excel software also will be used as a tool for applying a method of descriptive statistics-T tests, frequency analysis, reliability tests, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Finally the data were analysed and presented in table format.

This research study is based on quantitative method research conducted to examine the findings and results. This questionnaire survey mainly focuses on questionnaire survey. It totally consisted of 12 close questions with a help of purposive sampling methods to collect raw data. All the questions were supposed to be answered on likert scale of 1-7 (except questions related to name ,age and sex), 1 being rare/strongly disagree and 7 being often/strongly agree whereas 4 being neutral.  The raw data were obtained from consumers who are age between 22 to 32 years old . All the collections of data uses of SPSS and Microsoft Excel to analyse that met the sampling criteria.

Analysis and Findings: This chapter presented the data analysis based on the 102 questionnaires that distributed to  students of MBA in order to answer the survey. The results of data were based on demographic characteristics of consumers and quantitative results of purchasing behaviour. Therefore, the questionnaire designed to gather the data, analysed the results and discussed the findings on the objectives of the research work. A Total of 102 questionnaires were distributed and all questionnaires were collected back. In this survey, the respondents’ age group was between 18 to 32 years old .The sample details is as

Total number of person surveyed




Age group 21-32



Male respondents



Female respondents



Table below shows the reliability test analysis, was conducted in order to ensure the internal validity and consistency of the items used for each variables. One of the most important tests for reliability is the Cronbach’s α statistic.Cronbach’s α statistic is based on the number of variables and the co-relations between these variables. Clarkand Watson (1995) advocate a Cronbachα reliability range from 0.60 to 0.90 is acceptable.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha

Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items

N of Items




Below table shows the inter-item co relation betwwen the several factors/questions asked to the respondents

[pic 1]

As the values are above 0.00,which shows there is some relation between the factors.

Our main objective was to judge the effectiveness of online marketing channel on brand visibility and sales of FMCG products so we performed the one sample T- test with 90% confidence with test value 4 (neutral) ,for the factor/question : are you influenced by online advertisements. Results of which is shown below:

[pic 2]

Significant value is .001 which shows that there is influence of online advertisement on respondents. So our null hypothesis goes wrong here that there is not impact of online marketing channel on brand visibility or sales of FMCG products.

T test done for the time spend online by the respondents suggests that respondents spend enough time online.

[pic 3] 

To see what factors affect the factor being studied(influence of online advertisement) we did multiple regression.

Following is  the result of multiple regression



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