Affluenza In American Society
Essay by 24 • April 29, 2011 • 1,656 Words (7 Pages) • 2,026 Views
The basic purpose of this essay is to evaluate a common disorder of our society that is infecting people throughout World and particularly in the U.S. This disorder is called "Affluenza" it is very catching and once polluted with the disease it is difficult to be overthrown.
"Affluenza" is characterized as an unhealthful connection with money, blown up hopes and tiresome efforts to keep up with the Joneses. "Affluenza" creates anxiety, bankruptcy, and becomes the reason of several problems in associations. Even though, there are some people who have unlike definitions for "Affluenza". Many people find "Affluenza" to be a rich man's mental sickness and have responded by suggesting that the world has bigger problems without have to feel sorry for the wealthy.
John de Graaf, an award-winning documentary producer for over two decades did a documentary on America's custom of over-consumption in late 1990s. He defines "Affluenza is a painful, contagious, socially-transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more," (De Graff, J. & Wann, D )
Affluenza in The U.S. and Its Cure
The authors, De Graff and Wann did their best to prove to the readers in their book, "Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic" that The "American society is affected by Affluenza", and then they talk about what they think should be done to take care of the disease.
"Affluenza" enforces one to re-examine his/her way of life. It forces to think about what is most important: relations with friends and relatives, emotion like life has significance, and time to do the things. De Graff suggests to think twice before spending money. The book also reinforces the need to help the surroundings and atmosphere: recycling more, trying harder to buy environmentally friendly goods, and using less paper. The book certainly has made its contribution towards finding a solution to the nationwide problem of over-consumption.[Richins, M.L].
To support De Graff's statement, I would argue that "Affluenza" can be cured and maybe prohibited. In analyzing "Affluenza" I hope to shed insight those possibilities.
Facts and Figures:
This is a disease that is affecting the U.S. at a shocking velocity. It is very infectious and growing at terrifying rates.
"Luxury spending in the United States has been growing more than four times as fast as overall spending, and the rest of the West is not far behind. And this spending is being done by younger and younger consumers. Take a walk up Fifth Avenue in New York; at 8th, cross over and continue up Madison. You'll see what I mean about who is swarming through these stores. One of the most startling aspects of seeing the refugees streaming from Kosovo was the number of adolescents dressed in Adidas, Nike, and Tommy Hilfiger clothing. Others may pass judgment on this phenomenon, many may be horrified by the waste and redundancy, but it is why so many of us all over the world are becoming part of what, for lack of a better phrase, is a mass class of upscale consumption. We understand each other not by sharing religion, politics, or ideas. We share branded things. We speak the Esperanto of advertising, luxe populi. Who knows? Perhaps we enter the global village by having dessert". (Twitchell, 2002: xiv-xv)
"Affluenza" causes hardship in all types of relationships especially families. In looking at "Affluenza" as a disease and how contagious it is one wouldn't want his or her family to catch it. But, sadly enough many families get "Affluenza" and it consumes them and the final product is surely not The Waltons.
Interestingly, "Affluenza" that is directly interlinked with over-consumption doesn't give full satisfaction to the consumer but enhances his/her troubles. "Recent research has revealed that Australians, despite having more money, faster cars, luxury holidays and, increasingly, enormous houses, are no happier than in 1950, when most families were struggling." [Amanda Hampson].
"More worrying is the recent news that charity organizations are increasingly being asked for help by people suffering affluenza - they have houses/cars/boats etc but have maxed out the credit card and can't put food on the table for the family. What a terrifying situation to be in!" [Amanda Hampson].
Affluenza & Materialism:
Materialism is also an indication of this sickness we call "Affluenza". What brings about materialism and causes "Affluenza"? This simple answer is marketers by using a plenty of information that cannot be avoided they seduce consumers to buy trough various media [Blenkhorn and N. Wright].
Advertisements & Affluenza:
It would be reasonable to believe that if someone view a commercial even half the number of times they would feel the need to buy or use that product, wouldn't it? Some would say the simple solution would be to turn off the TV, but that wouldn't solve the problem of marketers attempting to condition consumers either. Advertising accounts 2/3 of the space in newspapers and 40% of all mail, [Kirsch, T.]. This would seem to go against my research that "Affluenza" can be prevented. But on the opposing with all of these advertisements one can shop around, compare the prices and find the best deals for him or her using the marketers plan against them and finding the best quality product that fits ones resources, and standard of living. Although, marketers are in the business of promoting materialism and in turn perpetuating "Affluenza" it all comes down to personal choice and self-control.
Affluenza and Youth of America:
Another market subdivision that is being infected with the disease we call "Affluenza" is the youth of America instinctively young children. I would contend that marketers are trying to infect young children with "Affluenza" so they can harvest the profit now and for years to come. Kathy Hoover-Dempsey, an associate professor of psychology and human resource development at Vanderbilt University states, "Young children believe advertisements are truthful and helpful, and it is not until early adolescence that they develop a healthy skepticism. I believe that marketers agree and are attempting to infect these children with "Affluenza" before they