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Against Early Release For Nonviolent Offenders

Essay by   •  April 26, 2012  •  1,031 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,489 Views

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Against Early Release for Nonviolent Offenders

Today and over the past few years there has been a problem with prison overcrowding. It is suggested that non-violent offenders should be released from prison to help reduce this problem. It is understood that by releasing these inmates we will save money. However, I disagree with this solution. Non-violent offenders should not be released early to assist with prison overcrowding and saving money. A criminal is a criminal whether the crime committed is violent or non-violent. These criminals need to be punished so that the crime rate is decreased.

Non-violent offenders could possibly become violent upon release from prison. Keeping these offenders in prison helps reduce crime rates from increasing. A criminal can be found guilty of a non-violent crime but at the same time this person could have also committed violent crimes and just not arrested for any of them or isn't capable of such crimes. But truly which crimes are considered to be violent and non-violent. "Violent offenses include the usual "touching" crimes of murder, manslaughter, rape, sexual assault, assault, intimidation, criminal endangerment, and so on" ( Shayka, par 4). There are other crimes that are just as serious but not considered to be violent. White-collared crimes are considered to be non-violent, however if you were a victim to one of their crimes, you may reply the same. A person being robbed of their identity and losing their life possessions because of some one committing a crime that it said to be non-violent. These people's lives have been ruined and the person that is responsible for the crime can be released from prison early to assist with the states' budget. Did the state consider how the victims would feel? Just like a rape victim they feel some time of relief when their rapist is sent to prison. The same goes for a victim of financial misrepresentation or identity theft.

By releasing these inmates back into society before their sentences are completed can shift expenses to the community. More money will be spent on social services that are needed for newly released prisoners and the need to increase police protection. Once a prisoner is released, that prisoner will be paroled, in which this will cost money to provide this service. A condition of parole there will be classes that this prisoner must complete. There will be a need to hire more parole officers and people to teach these classes. Money is still being spent on these criminals one way or the other. So keep these criminals in prison, so they will not become a threat to society.

When the law is broken, there are consequences that one must suffer. A non-violent offender broke the law and has to pay for his/her actions and complete out their sentence. Laws were put in place to protect the people. If they're going to start releasing these criminals early to assist with prison overcrowding, then non-violent crimes should not be against the law. It appears that the government is telling the people it is acceptable to commit these crimes because they will not be fully punished by the law. If it appears acceptable then just change the law to accommodate the people and with prison overcrowding. More crimes will be committed because there will be no fear of prison at all since the government releases nonviolent offenders early. There will be more robberies, embezzlement, drug crimes, and fraud because the fear of prison is no longer a detour to committing crimes.

Also, the workforce is not fair to convicted felonies. A lot of these nonviolent offenders will resort back to their



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