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Aids In Africa

Essay by   •  March 14, 2011  •  956 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,665 Views

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Aids Epidemic In Africa

My initial thought on how to solve the AIDS epidemic was to increase the amount of education and medical aid in the area. AIDS education is crucial to stop the spreading of the disease. There are myths that exist in Africa about HIV, such as "Some believe that you can rid yourself of HIV through sex with virgins, or flush it out of your system through repeated intercourse." It is obvious that the people are not aware of how the disease works. Universities such as Indiana University actually set up a program to educate people in Kenya about AIDS. Sending financial aid to Africa is a major problem. Without sufficient input, we can't save many lives. We could submit our plan to the UNAIDS organization and explain why it's the best plan. I believe it is because we are helping those that are in need of it. Since money is limiting what we can do, we must maximize the number of lives we can save with what we have. Other issues, such as treating babies early with HIV to rid it of the disease is very costly, ineffective in the long run, and unethical. A newborn should not have more rights than a person in need of help. Not treating current patients and only helping newborns would make that generation have no parents. Also, HIV cannot be completely rid of, even if newborns are treated. HIV cases have leveled off to a limit point in the US at 40,000 cases a year. Without focus in education, that small amount would still spread to others.


The only solution found for this awful issue, is to educate the youths of Africa. We need to teach them about AIDS and about safe sex. By teaching them we can learn about this problem and try to prevent it from happening to them. Although it may already be in their blood stream we can still teach about it, and what it does to families. While some are teaching others can be learning, and helping to find a cure for AIDS, which claims so many lives in Africa.

Although we need a better course of action some people are not just waiting around for money to fall from the sky.

The AIDS crisis in Africa has become an enormous problem that cannot and should not be ignored. Out of all of the people in the world with AIDS, at least one third reside in Africa. Why do such a large number of people with AIDS exist solely in Africa? There are many causes and no simple explanation but most of the reasoning can be lumped into three separate factors: political, social, and economic. What can be done about the AIDS problem in Africa? Only be thoroughly exploring each of the contributing factors, can an acceptable solution to the AIDS crisis be reached. 1) Thirty-four million people living in sub-Sahara Africa have been infected with HIV. 2) Eleven and a half million of these people have already died. 3) One quarter of this 11.5 million were children under the age of 15. 4) Seven out of every ten newly infected HIV cases reside in sub-Sahara Africa. 5) Nine out of every ten children under the age of 15 are infected with HIV. 6) Of all historic AIDS deaths, 83% have come from Africa. 7) 95% of all AIDS orphans live in Africa. 8) 70% of the world's AIDS cases reside in Africa while only 10% of the world's population resides in Africa. AIDS: An Economic Crisis My portion of the presentatio




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