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Aids In The Usa

Essay by   •  March 31, 2011  •  321 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,086 Views

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Aids was first identified in the usa in 1981. Since than it has been steadily growing and by the end of 2004, there were estimated to be just over, 1 million people living with HIV and proximally 415,000 people living with aids in the usa. Aids is also thought to have killed over haft a million americans nearly ten times the number kille in the Vietnam war. And more become infacted everyday. The problem with with aids and HIV today is that too many people are getting it. You cant really tell who had and HIV or aids today. The Best way not to HIV or Aids is by not having sex. Aids is killing to many of us Americans. The number of HIV+ people living in the usa varies, between 900,000 and 1.2 millions accoding to different estimates, around 30% of those living with HIV are unaware of their infections and may unknowingly infect more people as a result. it's estimate that 40,000 new HIV infections occur in the usa each year, and although this is the less than the 1980's peek, of these 40,000 annual infections about 70% are males and 30% are females. there are many ways to get aids, 1. Unsafe sex, 2. Using dirty needles, 3. Getting blood in your open wome by and person who is bleeding with aids. Problems with people who have HIV or aid is that they can give to anyone. If a women has aids and she has a baby, than that baby has aids also. Anybody can have aids, it has no smell or no look, or no taste, and no smell, a person with aids or HIV looks jus like you and me. there is treatment for aids and HIV but u cant get rid of it. But my Conclusion is that if you are going to have sex? Think smart first! Wrap it up and stay safe.



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