Essay by 24 • November 28, 2010 • 1,072 Words (5 Pages) • 1,031 Views
On my mother side I am the first generation to be born in America. My mother and grand mother are both from Portugal. Portugal is southwestern European country, to the north of Portugal is Spain, and to the right is the Atlantic Ocean. The name Portugal comes from mixture of Greek and Latin which means the beautiful port. It is a mass piece of land that is surrounded by other islands which makes it an archipelago. Even though it has a lot of different cultures, there is lots of racism in Portugal. And the racism there could be the reason why my grand parents migrated to America.
My grand parents traveled to America in 1960. I asked my mother and other family members why did my grand parents come to America, and it seems like know one really knows why. My aunt said that she thinks they came hear for a better life, but after my research I don't think that's the reason. Portugal is a rich and prestigious country, it's not like it's a third world country. It's not like I don't believe my aunt, but I think a better life is to general, so I decided to do some of my own research.
When I first started my research, I found that between 1959 and 1963 Portuguese
Industrialisation boomed. ( this ment that my grand parents didn't leave because of the economical resons. Because why would they leave when their country when it was doing its beast. So this ment I would have to continue my reserch. As I continued I found that the in the 1960's the algarved villege was destroyed by touroist and is still being restored to this day. Could this be the reason why they left? After I heard this I thought I had figuard out the reason why my grand parents had left. So I asked my mother what part of portugal did they migrat from, and she told me they came from alentejo. But this also couldn't be so, because alentejo is over one hundred Km away from algarve. ( and alentejos economy was doing while.
I started to feel as if maybe they just wanted to come hear to be American, until my teacher Mrs kiki gave me the Idea that it could have been a racial reason. So I went home and started reserching African history and found that Prtugues people practically
invented salvery. Around 1562 portugese people exchanged therir goods for african slaves. They where the first to bring african slaves on to eurpean soil. With this fact, it little more clear why my grand parent miet have left portugal. But then on the other hand, america to once had african slaves. so know I would have to dig deeper, maybe slavery was the start of the racil pregedest, but know I would have to figure out why in portugal they felt it more.
As I explored deeper into the racial reason of my grand parent migrating to america I went back to asking more family members. But this time I had more questions and I had my own asumtion. The only person in my family that I could ask was my aunt Koodah. She was a imergrant just like my grand parents. I rearly speak to her and wouldn't want her to feel like I only speak to her when I need somrthing. But for the sake of finding out why my grand parents came to this country I will do it.
I took the long hall to long island to vist my aunt. The while ride there I was thinking about what questions I was going to ask her. Once I got to her house I got this srange feeling in m stomach as if I were scared, or