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Alcohol; A Crime Within Itself.

Essay by   •  December 16, 2010  •  1,183 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,156 Views

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The vague origin of alcohol was derived by the Chinese during the late seventh century AD. This sadistic liquid chemical rapidly spread a cross the western countries like a plague. Prohibition of Alcohol during the 1920's the "noble experiment" was undertaken to reduce "crime and corruption solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America" ( The results from this experiment clearly show that it failed. Although during the beginning of prohibition consumption of alcohol fell, however it later increased. The problem with prohibition did the adverse affect on our society crime increased and became "organized"; the court and prison systems were stretched to the breaking point; corruption of public officials was rampant; and removed a large source of tax revenue and greatly increased government spending. Not only does alcohol have an effect on a macro level, but also at a micro level. The use of alcohol can impair a person's rational thoughts to do good. Throughout this paper criminological theories will be applied to search for answers. Theories like Classical School, Positivism, Solidarity, Division of Labor, Anomie, and other various sub theories.

Classical School theory implies people are free will rational thinkers. Also, people have a fluid affect in society by making decisions that could create a positive outcome. Beccaria theorized that punishment would deter people from committing crimes. There are many other sub theories within the Classical School such as hedonism and utilitarianism. Hedonism is where a person commits a crime for their own pleasure. Utilitarianism is defined by the greatest good for the most of the people.

Unlike Classical School ideas where people are active agents with free-will, the Positivist School suggests that people are passive and controlled within their being. Lombroso theorized that criminal behavior is affected biologically and environmentally. The positivistic School stands against the rehabilitation of the mind, because the fear people may use intelligence as a catalyst for crime.

Emile Durkheim developed a new set of theories that separated sociology from psychology through the study of social facts. In order for Durkheim to create an objective theory he examined the objective covert of people. Durkheim set apart two groups of Solidarity, "union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; fellowship of responsibilities and interests" ("solidarity") Mechanical and Organic Solidarity. Mechanical Solidarity tries to stabilize the equilibrium of a society by producing laws to create solidarity again. In Organic Solidarity in order to maintain the equilibrium of a society the government creates a society specialization within the division of labor.

Anomie is a fundamental perception that different goals and beliefs causes collapse in social structure. Merton identified five different types of people in our society they include Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, Rebellion. These different types of people signify different beliefs and goals within the social structure, which creates instability among societies.

In our society we classify alcohol as a drug. Alcohol like many other drugs affects a person's rational decisions, yet this drug remains legal and an abundant supply. There is no way around alcohol after the 1920's prohibition act failed to keep people sober and creating many other dilemmas that damaged our society. How do we solve the problem alcohol places on our society? First the decision to use or not is a individual choice and we are responsible for the consequences of our decisions. "Choices about using or abstaining from alcohol based on a clear set of guidelines will enhance health and reduce the risk of experiencing the wide range of alcohol-related problems." Problems with consuming alcohol at an irresponsible level, which creates irresponsible actions that affect people directly or indirectly. The most fearing thing about alcohol is some people can not control their decisions to consume alcohol. This is where to Positivistic School applies to alcoholism.

"In 1952, E.M. Jellinek supported the view of alcoholism as a disease with a symptomatic progression of phases leading eventually from psychological to physical addiction. In 1956 the American Medical Association recognized alcoholism as a disease" ( Alcoholism is a disease that can not be cured only arrested. Treatment is left in the hands of individuals. Later, in 1935 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was developed as a supporter group. Alcoholism is a deceptive disease and has long term impact on someone's life. There are



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